Biggs Darklighter Rebel Pilot
Hasbro is celebrating the 30th anniversary of Star Wars by treating us with some New Hope characters that fans have wanted for years. I knew that there was a version of Biggs Darklighter coming up that from his deleted ANH scenes, but I didn’t realize that there was a new pilot version coming out as well.This is the second time we’ve got a Biggs figure. The first was a POTF2 version. That was long before we got things like removable helmets for pilots.
Appearance:I was pretty happy with this figure. The one thing that I didn’t realize until I was adding him to my Rebel pilot display, was he’s only new from the neck up. His body is a re-use of the Gold Leader figure. The cool thing is that sculpt is one the pilots with a separate strap piece. I’m a big fan of the realism that adds. The new head looks like the ’70s Rebel. Tussled hair and Magnum P.I. mustache make for a great likeness. It’s head and shoulders over the POTF2 version. Those sculpted and head and helmet figures look like they have tiny peanut heads now. Black glossy gloves and boots, Biggs has all the ANH pilot style. One area where he’s slightly different is the paint on his chest box. The style on Biggs matches closely with the last Pilot Luke we got in the regular line. Gold Leaders chest piece looks a little cartony to me, so I’m happy with the change. The other thing that Biggs shares due to the sculpt is his height. To me both of the figures seem a bit taller than they should be. Fun:Because this is a repaint, Biggs doesn’t get the benefit of all the great articulation we’ve seen lately. It’s really obvious with his right arm. There is a cut joint at the elbow, but the shoulder position limits the poses you can put him in. Biggs actually loses a point of articulation from Gold Leader. Biggs doesn’t have the strange neck joint that figure did. Without it, I felt like I was going to rip his head off when removing his helmet. The helmet to me seems a tad short in the back. I don’t know if that’s how these helmets really look in the back or not, but to me it’s just a little funky. Biggs comes with his recognizable helmet, the standard coin for this year and a blaster. It’s a Rebel blaster with some silver paint on the end. I’d have bought him without it, but it’s a nice nod to the vintage line when almost every figure came with a weapon. Overall:I have to say I’m a sucker for Rebel pilots. Maybe because we see them in all three films, maybe cause they are the red shirts of the Star Wars universe. Overall, they are just cool dudes. I’m glad to see Biggs get an updated figure, but I wish it had some more articulation. Knowing that “Academy” Biggs is coming soon makes up for it though. A little side note. My little girl dog, Madison, loves Rebel Pilots as well. She has only ever touched two figures in my collection, a pilot version of Luke and the three pack version of Wedge. She chewed the feet and off of both of them. My rebel pilots now reside one shelf up for the safety of their feet. Engineernerd Score: 85/100 |
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Category: Star Wars, Toy Reviews