Lately, it seems like there have been a number of figures that I was interested in seeing, and just never do. I saw exactly one of the “Crispy” Anakins at a comic shop a few months back. If he wasn’t in the hands of a twelve year old, I’d a had him. Endor Luke is a newer example.
Gragra was on that list until this week. I know a number of people have used an version of her (yes, her) from a candy dispenser in displays. For those of you who don’t remember, Gragra runs the stand in Mos Espa where Jar Jar tries to snag a space frog with his tongue. Appearance:You know for a background character, I’m impressed with figure. she looks pretty much like her 2 seconds of screen time. I think the horns on her head are a little high and should be closer to her forehead, but it’s pretty close likeness. There are little metal rings on the arm bands and so forth. The apron and shirt both has ties sculpted on her back. A little paint wash would have been nice to bring those out a bit. There is some bloomers sculpted on the legs behind the skirt, like a number of the female figures. (I’m not sure what made me look.) Her legs are non articulated. She can only pivot at the waist. However, Gragra is very stable standing all by herself. There is a little paint slop on mine on the right arm. But, when there is only one to choose from… The apron is sculpted on. This would have made a nice separate piece, but only detracts a little bit. I’d imagine in most displays she’ll be standing behind something anyway. The one part of this figure that is off to me is the hump or back of her neck. It’s got a specked pattern to it and I’m not sure what it’s suppose to represent. Fun: It amazes me some of the things rather minor characters have had incorporated into them by Hasbro in recent times. This figure has ball jointed shoulders, cut elbows and wrists. The accessories are perfect for this figure, the bundle of frogs and an axe. She be selling amphibians in the market place as soon as you get her out of the package. Now for my favorite part. She has an articulated head. Tilt her head back and her mouth opens and closes. Now, I’ll agree this feature detracts from the overall sculpt. But, any figure that you can hold in your hand and make talk to you, that’s just cool Overall: For a minor character, Gragra got a pretty decent figure. I’m sure there are a lot of diorama builders and customizers out there that will love to get their hands on her. (That sounds bad, oh well.) If they can find her. Engineernerd Score: 87/100 |
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Category: Star Wars, Toy Reviews
I was just going over some of my older figures this weekend, and stumbled upon this one. The thing about quite a few of these SW aliens is that they could very easily fit in a Troll Market type scene straight from HB2.
That would be a great use!