Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
This seems to be the year of Luke Skywalker, action figure wise, at least. This is the third Luke we’ve seen in the TAC line. Must always have to be a Luke or Vader in the assortment. Hasbro must have hired the Homer & Bart marketing team for the WOS line.
Oddly this is another Jabba’s palace Luke. Most of the collectors out there were hoping this would be a throne room Luke. Instead we get this slightly different Skywalker from the beginning of the film. Appearance:I was really hoping that with all the Luke’s coming out, one of them would really nail the likeness. And I’m still waiting. I don’t know what it is about Mark Hamill’s face, but apparently nobody seem really good at sculpting it. That coupled with eyes that seem to be painted just a tad bit oversize make this face just seem wrong to me. (See bottom for close up.) The head it self appears to me to be a little long from front to back as well. I know we’ve seen this in other figure lines, but it’s not common in SW figs. The articulation in the figure doesn’t really help his appearance, either. The bulky knees and goofy ankle joint really take away from this figure. Now, I’m not normally a soft goods hater. But, this has to be the worse application of it I’ve bought. I’m not sure if the actual costume was this way, but there is a bit of a skirt with a loop around the neck. All of it is tucked under a sculpted belt (which doesn’t look removable). I would have rather have seen all of this solid. It’s difficult at best to get the thing to lay right. I never got the piece behind his neck to look right. The fabric is just too bulky. There isn’t much paint detail other than the face. However, the one thing that is painted is the battle damage spot on the back of Luke’s right hand. The red used to paint it makes it look more like Gorbachev’s birth mark than battle damage. Fun:If you are buy Jedi Luke as a collector, I think you are going to be disappointed. If you are a nine year old buy Jedi Luke to fight Jabba’s horde of alien scum, you’ll be delighted. He’s got all the articulation you could ask for, and contrary to Bib’s thoughts, he’s a Jedi. He comes with a coin of course, but a couple of other items as well. A bone big enough to gag a rancor, a lightsaber handle and a lit version of his lightsaber. Finally, a Luke with the correct lightsaber. The paint on the sabers is good, as well. My only complaint is they are both a little bendy and don’t seem to want to stay straight. The bone is a cool accessory, but kind of useless without a rancor to go with it. There are other oddities about this figure as well. The belt is sculpted to hold the unlit handle behind him. This causes some of the bending. I can’t recall Luke carrying his saber there. In front yes, but not behind him. Also, is this suppose to be Luke from the thirty seconds of film after the heroes escape the sail barge? That would be the only time he would have both his saber and the damage to his hand. Overall:Again, with all the hopes of great figures coming out this year, I’m let down again. This figure is probably cool for kids, but hey, I’m not a kid. A couple of things that would have made this figure much better. A robe. Drop the soft goods shawl and give him a robe. Two. An extra gloved hand and the one on him un-battle damaged. I’d have to say I still like the Jedi Luke on the left of the bottom picture the best out of bunch we’ve seen. The “force using” right hand is cool, the likeness isn’t horrible, and he’s got the soft goods cloak. They should have just added elbows to him. (PS. My original Jedi Luke didn’t make the picture due to the fact he’s missing some flesh paint on his face. I didn’t want Zombie Luke confusing people.) Engineernerd Score: 70/100 |
Category: Star Wars, Toy Reviews