I Can’t Quite Place the Face

September 29, 2009 | By More

I thought I’d try something new for the site. As with most collectors, the figure goes on display and the accessories get shoved in a box somewhere. Frequently, when I open one of these boxes I find little bits of stuff that I have no recollection of what they are or where they came from. Feverish Google searches turn up the answer, eventually.

So I thought I ‘d share some of this madness with my loyal readers.

To kick off this new series, I thought I’d start of with this little present. Most people like to know what’s in a box, this time the question is who did the box come with? I know the answer, but do you? (Leave a comment with your guesses below.)

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  1. Engineernerd says:

    Hmmm. Seems hints might be needed.

    Mid to Late ’90s. The mono chromatic molding of accessories was a trade mark of the extensive line of figures this gift comes from.

  2. Engineernerd says:

    Well if it is Star Trek it looks like it would be from Deep Space Nine for some reason.

    Hmmm. Not DS9. But, the face itself is a PRINCIPAL DS9 actor. Barring that, he would be hard to recognize here with his make up.

  3. Engineernerd says:

    Flabat from the AFBlues forum got it:

    So is it a Talking Gift Box that came with Lwaxanna Troi from Star Trek The Next Generation, Asst# 6950, SKU# 6067. Playmates 1995?

    I have that figure but for some reason I do not display the box with it. I display the Crystal Gong and Intergalactic Suitcase with her.

    Make sure to check out the new one!

  4. JD says:

    SPOILER: did Mr Homm ever get a figure? I collected Playmates Trek line and I had Mrs Troi but I never had her manservent so I dunno if he was ever made END