Scream Queen

October 26, 2009 | By More

Some people’s first guess is going to be that this week’s accessory is one of the pieces in the “Horrified B-Movie Victims” set of mini figures:

Horrified B-Movie Victims Figure Set

Horrified B-Movie Victims Figure Set

I guarantee she’s not. The second thought is that she is a figure. Again, she’s not. She is an accessory from a movie figure.

If you are interested, there are also zombie and paparazzi sets. Although I can’t really tell the difference.
Flesh Eating Zombies Figure Set Paparazzi Figures

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  1. Errex says:

    I don’t think I’ve seen this, but off the top of my head, I’d think she’s from a vintage King Kong toy.

  2. Engineernerd says:

    Hmmm. Vintage? Really? I’m guessing around 2000 which would be a little more modern to me. See if you can guess closer.

  3. Errex says:

    Well, the pose “screams” King Kong to me, but the figure looks much nicer than the toys from the P. Jackson’s movie.

  4. Engineernerd says:

    And you would be correct. I have no collectibles from that film, as most of them were junk. This guy is from 2000.

  5. Engineernerd says:

    FlaBat from the ActionFigureBlues forum gets credit for getting this one. It is indeed a Ann Darrow from the Deluxe Boxed McFarlane Movie Maniacs King Kong. Wow, that’s a mouthful.