Jack Skellington

November 2, 2012 | By More

I love stop motion animation. I just do. I also dig scary movies new and old. Nightmare Before Christmas is a blend of all of those things. To fill the craving people have for merchandise for the film, Jun Planning put out a series of small boxed mini figures. If I was going to pick one up, it had to be the films hero, Jack Skellington.

I was a wee bit concerned about how big this figure was going to be when I got him. The box is about 3″ high. However, Jack comes in pieces. The chest is the main piece. The arms plug into it. Then the lower body plugs in into the chest. The legs are two pieces that meet up at the kneeds. Finish the whole thing off with a base.

In addition to the base, Jack comes with a clear plastic stick to support his thin design. This piece is cleverly designed that if you have the Zero, Jack’s dog, he has a clear piece that lets him float next to Jack.

At about 4 inches tall, Jack really has a lot of personality and detail. Sometimes at this scale, figures get a little light on detail.

I really love the head. They really captured Jack in his mid singing look. There’s so many other looks he could have, but this one is generic enough that he should please all fans.

The paint isn’t perfect here. But for me I really don’t mind. I will to have some partial concessions on his size. However, I really look at these stop motion characters as little works of art in the film. If you look at their screen representations close enough, you will realize they aren’t perfect either.


I have to say I was impressed with this version of Jack. I don’t have any other figures of him, so he’s a perfect small version. He’s fairly well detailed and is much taller than I was expected.

I’m going to have to go back and get the other pack that has Zero. If I’d known they’d worked together at first I would have got them at the same time. Of course, Zero comes with one of the three kids, so I’d probably have to get the other one of those packs, and well Jack looks lonely without Sally… I better stop this before Mrs. Nerd reads it.

(EN Note: For those playing the home game, this is the Jack figure I mentioned getting on Episode 34 during the “Feeding the Addiction” segment of the Action Figure Blues Podcast.)

Engineernerd Score: 97/100


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  1. Tom says:

    Love this movie! I have a few Jack’s in my collection, I had the original series that came out with the movie but I traded them away a while back. I had not seen this figure previousy but it looks nice.

  2. Errex says:

    Terrific movie, and this is a really great version of Jack.