Minimate Imhotep
My love of Mummy action figures and movies has been well documented. So, it should come as no surprise, I snatched up the newest Minimate version of Imhotep as soon as I saw him dangling from a peg.
I know there are a couple versions of this guy out there. This one appealed to me the most because of the sarcophagus. They have been a fascination of mine back to the Pharoid and Time Chamber from the Micronaut line.
This guy is based on the classic Universal movie staring Boris Karloff. And even though he’s a block figure, I can see the likeness in there. He’s obviously not just a generic mummy. This is Imhotep, THE Mummy. The brow is perfectly rendered in the classic Minimates style.
The rest of the body is a wrapped tightly in painted on in painted on fashion. The paint does a nice job of extending to the arms and legs.
A key detail they added here is the ring on Imhotep’s right hand. Again, this places him squarely as the vintage Universal version.
The sarcophagus is a pretty neat little work of art. Again, I can see Karloff reflected in the painting on the face. An the remainder of the paint is excellent, as well. Nice clean, crisp lines on the shiny gold surface.
Yes, he does fit in the case. That was something I was wondering about before I got him. And once he’s in the lid closes. Really, it doesn’t get any better than that.
There’s couple of details worth pointing out here. The back of the case has stone texture to it. My favorite bits are the Minimate details on the front, though. The elbows and hands are sculpted as if they were articulated. Even under the head looks like a ball joint. Well done!
If you made it this far, you can probably tell I really love this guy. Yeah, there’s a cute factor. But there’s a special place in my mummy loving heart for this blockish version of the classic monster.
Engineernerd Score: 99/100
Category: Featured, Other Film, Toy Reviews
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- Year-End Review Round-Up (January 1st-14th) « It'sAllTrue.Net | January 19, 2013
That is a great review on an extremely cool piece. I agree the sarcophagus is the eyecatching part of this set, but the Mummy itself is also excellent.
I may have squealed in the aisle when I saw it. Even Mrs. Nerd was impressed with this one.
Get find…awesome review! Wish i could of seen ya squeal!