Joe Con 2013: Diorama Contest
I was completely blown away at the quality of dioramas on display at Joe Con 2013. You can tell the folks that put these together are passionate about their hobby for sure. I could have spent all day looking at just these and probably not seen all the cool details.
I had to include a pic of this Aussie Aboriginal Adventure Team Joe for my buddies at Action Figure Blues.
I’ve been trying to think of a clever way to make chainlink fence for awhile. I have to say this is way easier than what I was thinking. I think when I do it, I’ll turn it 45 degrees to get a more diamond shape.
I love the urban setting and the use of the Shock Troopers in this dio. I’d really like to do something like this one of these days.
Maybe I was wrong about the Jungle Viper. He does kind of blend in to his environment. This jungle dio was in a case and was stunning from every angle. It needed to be a on a table by itself so you could walk all the way around it.
More of the Jungle Dio. Honestly, I saw something new everytime I looked at it. It was a crowd favorite for sure.
This Steampunk diorama was the other major fan favorite. The concept and detail work was off the charts.
The credits for the Steampunk Dio. This one was personal favorite. And another picture of some of the detail.
Category: Featured, GI Joe, Toy Reviews
The Steampunk airship looks awesome!
I can’t properly articulate how happy that Cesspool makes me.
Thanks for the comments on my Jungle diorama. I’m glad you thought it was cool