R2-D2 (Clone Wars)
One character I just don’t get figures of that often is R2-D2. It is not that I don’t like him, quite the contrary, but I just don’t see the need to get every variation Hasbro makes once I have a perfectly good version of the droid.
Although this has been true for the realistic style droids, R2 hasn’t had the same amount of exposure in the animated Clone Wars line, which makes it kind of nice to have him included in the final wave of figures for that line.
The newer R2-D2 doesn’t have all the bells and whistles from his first release figure, but it does retain few key features found in it. This R2 was constructed using animated style Build-A-Droid pieces, so it lacks the inner spool mechanism used for the tow cable action feature from the original release but it does have the opening panels and the extending utility arms.
The overall sculpt has a lot of details and the proportions seem accurate for this kind of droid. One thing I really like is that the arms no longer have holes in them to attach the utility rockets, which in my opinion really improves the way this R2 unit looks.
Articulation has never been much of an issue with a character like R2-D2, since it is quite easy to replicate the exact same functionality of the movie prop in action figure form, which in this case translates to:
• Swivel dome.
• Swivel legs.
• Hinged ankles.
• Swivel center foot.
The opening panels are hinged, of course, and the utility arms swivel outwards once the panels open.
The paint job on R2-D2 is very neat and very clean. The more obvious improvement over the older version is the metallic paint selected for the dome. It still has a definite blue tinge to it, but it is brighter and it looks closer to the way it was portrayed in the animated series.
R2-D2 comes with no accessories at all. You could say that the removable third foot might be classified as such, but then again, all the removable pieces could fall in that category, since this is basically a Build-A-Droid.
Now. Let’s be honest, if you had not been collecting the Clone Wars action figures, chances are this R2 is not going to cause you to start collecting them now that the line ended. Nonetheless, this is a really neat version of R2-D2, and one I probably would recommend getting even over the figure released at the beginning of this line.
Errex Score: 90/100
Category: Featured, Star Wars, Toy Reviews