Wolverine (Marvel Legends)

July 22, 2013 | By More

XF Wolverine (5)

Even though this Wolverine action figure doesn’t include a piece to complete Hit Monkey, I still went and bought it because, well, other than the Ultimate Wolverine released way back in the Marvel Legends Blob Series, I did not have any other Wolverine action figure in this scale and also, I generally have a really hard time passing on multiple-sized versions of characters I already own from other lines.


XF Wolverine (2)

Lucky me, the Wolverine released in this series is the one attired in the X-Force uniform, which is fundamentally his Astonishing costume with the yellow bits replaced by gray, or in this case, a slightly blue-ish silver color.


The sculpture on this figure is quite nice, even though the costume doesn’t really have the same amount of sculpted detail found in the smaller version of X-Force Wolverine, from the Marvel Universe Team Pack.


Wolverine does display a series of straps sculpted around his upper and lower extremities and the mask shows some seams and wrinkles, but other than that his uniform lacks texture, although the muscle groups are clearly defined and the proportions work well for the character. Also, this is possibly the best implementation I have seen of the claws in this scale, even though they are still separate pieces attached to the closed fists.


Wolverine got a very impressive articulation model consisting of:


XF Wolverine (3)

• Hinged peg neck.

• Pegged hinge shoulders.

• Hinged shoulder blades.

• Upper biceps swivel.

• Double hinge elbows.

• Pegged hinge wrists.

• Floating torso.

• Swivel waist.

• Ball jointed hips.

• Upper thigh swivels.

• Double hinged knees.

• Upper calf swivels.

• Pegged hinge ankles.

• Rocker feet.


All of the joints work well and feel very sturdy, allowing Wolverine to achieve and hold a very broad range of dynamic poses.


XF WolverineWolverine was molded mostly in black plastic, except for the exposed arm sections. The color scheme is fundamentally black and silver, but on the black sections Hasbro saw fit to apply some blue highlights and even the metallic paint has a definite blue tinge to it that really unifies the look.


The paint applications are very neat on my figure, but as a rule you’d do well looking for the cleaner lines separating the two colors. Wolverine also has a few extra color accents applied in red for the eyes and the X logo on his belt.


So, in a nutshell, this is a really good rendition of Wolverine. Although I do like the X-Force color scheme, I am still in need of a regular colored version, and I certainly would not mind to see this same mold repainted in the future.


 XF Wolverine (4)

Errex Score: 98/100

 XF Wolverine (6)

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About the Author ()

I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

Comments (1)

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  1. Engineernerd says:

    I’m torn here. I really prefer the classic Wolvie colors, but the dark ones make more practical sense.