Nick Fury (Pop! Vinyl Bobble Head)

September 30, 2013 | By More


nickfury_bh_frontAs you may know, I’m bald. I’m also a bit angry. So when I saw the Nick Fury Pop! Vinyl, I couldn’t pass him up.

For a fairly small figure, he captures Fury’s attitude pretty well. The two tiny fists of fury are balled up making him look like he’s itching for a fight.

All of Fury’s trademarks are here. The long coat, bald head, and eye patch.

Out of all the Pop! vinyl figures I have, he has the most generic looking body. If you were looking to make a custom, this wouldn’t be a bad place to start.

The head reads as Sam Jackson’s character. The goatee looks good and there’s a slight line there for the mouth. The patch even has the scars around it that became more evident in the Avengers.

This is also the spot where I have my first bit of issue. It’s the paint. In general, the paint isn’t as good on this fairly simple figure as it is on War Machine. It’s fuzzy and doesn’t match up to edges real well.

nickfury_bh_backFor example, the black on the eye patch covers part of the scar. This makes it look like it is part of the patch, and not a scar.

This pattern follow for a number of the other areas on the figure, as well. It can be seen on the goatee and his eye too. Where the hands meet the cuffs of the jacket is less than perfect.

There is one small thing I thought was a paint error, but I’m not sure now. Under his belt on the right side there is a small glossy bit on the flat paint of the pants. I now suspect this is possible a strap for the holster.





While the style is still there, I have to say I was a bit let down by Nick. Most of that let down comes from the paint. It’s just not as good as the other Funko items I have. Now, I suspect since this dude was made for major motion picture release, the QC on the production line was probably a little less than perfect.

Engineernerd Score: 84/100


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  1. DWhite says:

    My Fury doesn’t have that particular problem…what gets me though is that I would have liked to see his unpatched eye as white rather than black. After all, I view the patch as an accessory and not his eye itself.