ARC Commander Blitz (Defend Kamino Battle Pack)
The third and best reason to get the Defend Kamino boxed set from Hasbro’s Clone Wars line is this ARC Clone Commander.
ARC Commander Blitz shares the same molds for upper legs, torso and upper arms with the regular non-removable helmet clones but his appearance is strikingly different thanks to a number of newly tooled pieces.
First off, Blitz uses a phase 2 helmet modified with a movable rangefinder, his pauldrons cover both shoulders and incorporate additional plating at the chest, the kama is also a new mold with extra pouches and crossed straps at the front and to round it all up, the forearms, calves and feet were also sculpted to show thicker protection.
The overall detailing is very nice, and the increased volume makes it fairly easy for Blitz to blend in with the more realistically sculpted clones.
Commander Blitz is articulated following a slightly different design than the one used for most animated style clone troopers, consisting of:
• Ball jointed head.
• Pegged hinge shoulders.
• Pegged hinge elbows.
• Swivel wrists.
• Swivel waist.
• Swivel hips.
• Pegged hinge knees.
• Pegged hinge ankles.
Basically, Blitz lacks the extra hinge at the wrists and substitutes the usual floating torso joint with a simpler swivel waist. And believe it or not, that was the reason I didn’t feel like picking up the Defend Kamino set the first time I saw it a few years ago. Luckily, I came to my senses and was fortunate enough to stumble upon a boxed set earlier this year.
Sure, the extra accessories do get a little in the way of the hips, but blitz turns out every bit as poseable as any other Clone Commander in this line.
The paintjob on Commander Blitz is decent, although application is not quite perfect. His armor has light yellow markings applied over the white plastic and a few sections of gray plating on both the figure and the pauldrons. The most striking feature is a black diamond pattern painted all over his kama skirt.
Other than the pauldrons, Blitz comes equipped with a removable backpack molded in black with silver decorations, a pair of small pistols that he can carry in the kama holsters and a stylized version of the same blaster rifle released with some of the realistically sculpted ARC clones.
In addition to the weaponry, Blitz comes with a plastic display base and the corresponding statistics card to use with the Galactic Battle Game. The Defend Kamino set also includes a Battle Mat and a single blue die to be shared with the other figures in the box.
The Battle Mat comes folded in quarters and has a Geonosian battlefield printed on, with spaces marked to place the figures with the corresponding display bases and game cards. Overall, this is not a really necessary piece to include, but it does have nice graphics on it and may entice the younger crowd to actually take the time to try the game.
So, to finish off, the Defend Kamino Battle Pack turned out to be full of neat things, amongst which ARC Commander Blitz is certainly the highlight.
Errex Score: 97/100
Category: Featured, Star Wars, Toy Reviews