Classic Iron Man (Iron Man Legends)

December 9, 2013 | By More

Classic IM ML (5)

Last but not least, I got this classic version of Iron Man, released as part of the Iron Monger wave of figures produced by Hasbro and sold under the Iron Man Legends brand.


Classic IM ML (8)

Even though I was never a fan of the muscle armor design, I have to admit that it does have a certain retro appeal. The figure is very detailed and extremely similar to the 3.75-inch version released a couple of years back.
The Classic Iron Man suit is extremely slim to contain a regular proportioned person inside, but that has never been a concern with the comic inspired designs. The amount and of detail is pretty decent and the figure comes packaged with an alternate head sculpt.


The default helmet looks nice, but I have always been partial to the pointy face design, especially because it is a fairly unique look that was used only for a short time. Articulation is fairly extensive although it is evident that this figure’s design is a couple of years older because of  the type of joints used, which are:


Classic IM ML (6)• Ball & hinge neck.

• Pegged hinge shoulders.

• Upper biceps swivels.

• Double hinged elbows.

• Pegged hinge wrists.

• Hinged torso.

• Swivel waist.

• Pegged hinge hips.

• Upper thigh swivels.

• Double hinged knees.

• Pegged hinge ankles.


Classic IM ML (7)Similarly to the Iron Patriot suit released in this collection, Classic Iron Man has a pair of flexible rubber disks over the side of the hips, only this time these pieces are glued in place, thus limiting the range of movement to the sides.


Overall, the rest of the joints work perfectly and are fairly well hidden by the character design. At this point, I have become so used to the rocker ankle design on other Marvel Legends that I actually miss them in this figure, although this doesn’t really diminish my enjoyment of this figure.


The paint job on Classic Iron Man is extremely well done. The figure is molded in two colors of plastic, a nice, deep pearly/metallic red and a similar yellow plastic. However, all of the yellow sections were painted over with a rich gold color.


Classic IM ML (12)The finish is smooth on both main colors and a few extra touches were added for the chest reactor and the emitters in his hands, while leaving the eye and mouth slits painted solid black on both head sculpts.


Other than the alternate head, Classic Iron Man ships with yet another piece to complete the Iron Monger BAF, this time the right leg, molded in the same hue of faux-metallic blue plastic used for the rest of the pieces.


While I still tend to favor the more realistic movie looks on the figures I pick up for my collection, I have to admit that figures like this Classic Iron Man are certainly causing me to reconsider that stance.

 Classic IM ML (10)


Errex Score: 85/100

 Classic IM ML (2)

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Category: Featured, Iron Man, Marvel, Toy Reviews

About the Author ()

I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

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