Artillery Armor War Machine

May 12, 2014 | By More

Artillery Armor WM (3)


Artillery Armor WM (6)

In a toy line ripe with repaints of the same few action figure molds, it is something of a surprise that War Machine did not get as many different versions as the Iron Man Mark IV and VI armors had.
Still, Lt. Col. Rhodes did get at least one other suit of armor released, the Artillery Armor War Machine, because you know, War Machine alone did not sound belligerent enough.


Artillery Armor War Machine is essentially the same War Machine mold we got in the Iron Man 2 line, only this time the figure was released in the Iron Man: The Armored Avenger segment.


The armor is very detailed, and the new color scheme helps to show off the sculpture much better. As you’d expect, articulation is the same of the older release, conformed by:


Artillery Armor WM (10)• Ball jointed head.

• Pegged hinge shoulders.

• Pegged hinge elbows.

• Swivel wrists.

• Floating torso.

• Pegged hinge hips.

• Upper thigh swivels.

• Double hinged knees.

• Pegged hinge ankles.


The pauldrons on the armor are also hinged, allowing a much more ample range of movement to the arms, but given the character design, most of the joints have their movement reduced one way or the other.
Artillery Armor WM PHCThis actually helps a little bit when posing the figure, since a few of the joints also feel somewhat loose, but the armor allows this War Machine to stand with little problem.


This time around, War Machine was molded in silver gray plastic, with only a few panels painted in a metallic blue paint. There are also some small details painted in for the eyes, repulsor ports and chest reactor, but the Artillery Armor lacks any other markings like the serial numbers and tiny lettering found on the regular movie version.


Other than the paintjob, the thing that really sets this figure apart is the accessory/weapon load out. This figure comes with a gigantic Gatling cannon that can be attached on either shoulder mount. The thing has rotating barrel that seems designed to operate by sliding an ammunition belt into the loading chamber.


Artillery Armor WM (5)This ammo belt is not included, which suggests to me that the accessory had been originally intended for a vehicle in some other line.


Also included is a spring-loaded projectile launcher that can be mounted onto the figure or on top of the Gatling gun. Oddly enough, the launcher combined with the corresponding projectile looks almost like a compact and discrete weapon next to the giant rotary gun.


I have to confess that even though I generally despise this type of accessories, I actually find this Artillery Armor to be outrageously fun.

 Artillery Armor WM (19)

Errex Score: 78/100

 Artillery Armor WM (12)

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Category: Featured, Iron Man, Marvel, Toy Reviews

About the Author ()

I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

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