Tyrion Lannister
One of the more enthralling characters from the Song of Fire and Ice books written by George R.R. Martin and by extension, the Game of Thrones TV series, is Tyrion Lannister.
Tyrion is a dwarf, but not one of those described by Tolkien, whom are short and broad, but with rather harmonious proportions. The younger Lannister is a regular human dwarf, which means this figure displays the physical traits observed in people with achondroplasia instead of the more aesthetically pleasing proportions of the modern Fantasy Dwarves.
This particular version of Tyrion shows him wearing a set of armor used only for one episode in the series during the defense of Blackwater Bay, which seems like an unusual decision when a more casually-attired Tyrion figure was sold as a Walgren’s exclusive in the USA.
Whatever the logic behind that decision may be, the sculpting on the armored Tyrion figure is good, although since most of the outfit is meant to represent smooth metal plates, there is not much texturing going on, even on the garments underneath the armor.
There are small decorations added to the armor in the form of shallow lion head motifs engraved onto the corselet and pauldrons, as well as a single brass wreath around the neck.
Tyrion’s head sculpt is decent but I don’t think they managed to produce a good likeness to actor Peter Dinklage beyond the broad, characteristic traits associated with human dwarfism.
The lower sections of the armor are made from very flexible plastic, allowing for a very ample range of movement on the legs. Despite the unusual body construction, Tyrion Lannister is well articulated with:
• Barbell mounted head.
• Pin & disk shoulders.
• Pin & disk elbows.
• Pin & disk wrists.
• Floating torso.
• Ball jointed hips.
• Pin & disk knees.
• Pin & disk ankles.
• Rocker feet.
Although some other pieces of armor limit somewhat the range of movement for some limbs, Tyrion is quite versatile and his joints feel firm enough to hold most poses on his own.
The paintjob on Tyrion is good overall. The actual paint applications are uniformly neat and the stubble is applied better than I expected, although the face needs some shading to actually show off the sculpture.
Tyrion comes equipped with a double-edged battleaxe. The weapon looks quite realistic and utilitarian, with no fancy decor or ridiculous proportions. Tyrion can hold this weapon in either or both hands quite easily, which I definitely count as a plus
The axe is painted in black, with a dark gunmetal axe head with bright silver applied to the edges. There are also a series of silver nails painted on the handle, presumably for a better grip, with the end result looking like something one could actually find in a museum.
Even though I could not honestly say I would have picked up the armored Tyrion over the Hand of the King attire if both had been available at the store, fact is I am very pleased with how this figure turned out.
Errex Score: 89/100
Category: Featured, Game of Thrones, Toy Reviews