The AFB Podcast Episode 184: DC Collectibles Lois Lane Bombshell Statue / Toy Dilemmas
Episode 184 of the AFB Podcast is live at iTunes and is now available for direct download! Download and subscribe to the podcast at iTunes now!
This week we check out the DC Collectibles Lois Lane Bombshell Statue, and then John tries to stump the gang with another round of Toy Dilemmas!
If you don’t use iTunes, you can download Episode 184 here now! Click on the link to listen, or right click to save the file! The podcast will always be available from the “Podcast” tab here – but if you can subscribe and give us positive ratings at iTunes, that will help us greatly!
The AFB Podcast is also on Stitcher Radio!
News Covered in this Episode
Hot Toys Age of Ultron Nick Fury – from JROD-HD on reddit
Bandai Star Wars movie realization “Sandtrooper” and Imperial Guard from Hyperion
Funko Walgreens Exclusive Star Wars Pop Vinyls – from cilbert on reddit
Marvel Infinite 3.75” Series 3 2015 – from timtamtommy2 on reddit
October Toys Skeleton Warriors Grimskull Kickstarter – from Hursticon
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