UGV Drone (Call of Duty)

August 23, 2016 | By More

UGV Drone (2)


Even though the small-box range sets made by Mega Bloks under the Call of Duty license seems composed mostly of drones and missile launchers, I still went out and purchased the UGV Drone set (#CNG75).


UGV Drone (5)UGV stands for Unmanned Ground Vehicle and the thing that sets this model apart from the previous drone set, is that this time around the drone seems better suited to urban warfare scenarios.


The building process is pretty straightforward and this 86-piece set includes a nice number of specialized construction elements like real rubber threads and the detail plates on top of the chassis.


UGV Drone (8)The finished model looks really nice and seems to be correctly scaled in relation to the minifigure included. The weapons array rotates and pivots up and down very freely and the threads roll nicely over most surfaces.


The soldier is made from several pieces we have seen used before, and remains as articulated as usual for this line, putting to shame some of the larger figures made by other brands with:


UGV Drone (7)• Ball jointed neck.

• Pin & disk shoulders.

• Pin & disk elbows.

• Swivel wrists.

• Swivel waist.

• Ball jointed hips.

• Hinged knees.


UGV Drone (4)This minifigure has a certain technician vibe, since he is equipped with a nice gray laptop and very lightly armed. The laptop can be opened to reveal a nice, pre-applied decal simulating the screen.


The plastic used for the larger pieces on the drone and the soldier’s uniform has a certain amount of speckles mixed in,  providing a nice variation to otherwise solid colors. There is almost no paint applied anywhere, except for the cap and shades on the soldier and the Cyrillic letters stenciled on the side of the drone.


In closing, I think the UGV Drone is a really nice, small set to have.

UGV Drone (6)

Errex Score: 88/100

UGV Drone (10)


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About the Author ()

I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

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