Poison Ivy Mystery Mini

October 26, 2016 | By More


I hadn’t given the Arkham series of Mystery Minis much thought until I started playing the games. Now I would have rather had Batman, but Ivy is not the worse thing to pull as a blind box.

For the game, Poison Ivy is pretty scantily clad. The majority of her clothing comes from a cropped inmate uniform shirt. Asylum or City, the designs were pretty close. In the Arkham Game universe, there would be a logo on the back, but at this scale, I’m not surprised it was dropped. Ivy also has a strategically place leaf covering her lady bits. I don’t think in game it covers as much, especially from the back side.


Maybe the lack of clothing is behind it, but this version of Ivy reminds me of the Bombshell Ivy. I guess she always has had a bit of a cheesecake factor, so maybe this shouldn’t surprise me.

The head has a full shock of Pam’s red trade mark hair. It’s not overly styled, but hey, mousse is hard to get when you are incarcerated. The eyes are large almond shaped areas. The style of the eyse is more reminiscent of the Walking Dead Mystery Mini’s that some of the others. Here I think it it works better. with the green skin there is more contrast than there would be with a flesh color. However, the green and the eyes give here a slight alien look.

The remainder of Ivy’s skin has a raised pastern. It’s like a cross between vines growing on her and some sort of raised scarification. I don’t mind it and it is a good representation of what is in the game. It could have use some highlighting or extra leaves, but this is a stylized figure.


Now for the one thing that I’m completely not sold on. Her feet. Unlike the rest of the series, Ivy is bare foot. so to keep that style, her leg comes down into an almost round shape. There’s no ankle. When I first pulled her out of the box, I thought she was a some sort of plant/human/My Little Pony hybrid. For all of the sexy that Poison Ivy is suppose to exude, these legs fall short. I really wish they could have found a way to work a bit of ankle in there.


Overall, I don’t have a lot of Batman villain merchandise. To get Ivy over Harley is an unexpected surprise and a nice one. I have most of my Batman mini figure type things in front of my monitor and she will go there, but probably behind something so her feet are hidden.

Engineernerd Score: 80/100


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