Author Archive: Errex
I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

I never had the original Kenner Prune Face figure and even though I did get the POTF2 release, the whole nostalgia factor is nowhere near as strong on me as it is with other characters from the Original Trilogy

Adéwalé is one of the playable characters from the Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag game developed by Ubi Soft a few years back.

Astonishing Cyclops (Marvel Infinite Series)
You’d probably be already familiar with this look, as Hasbro already produced an Astonishing Cyclops action figure with this costume design a couple years ago.

Nien Nunb
Nien Nunb has been as iconic an alien character for me as any from the Original Star Wars Trilogy but. Is this figure a definite must have? Read on…

The 90’s saw the inception of several antihero type characters in comics, many of which cultivated a definite anti-authority vibe to them. One such character is Bishop, a time traveling enforcer that came back to the late 20th century from a dystopian future.

Beast (Marvel Infinite Series)
Dr. Hank McCoy, a.k.a. Beast is one of the original students enrolled in the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters,

Cannon Strike (Mega Bloks)
Mega Bloks was granted the license to produce sets based off the Assassin’s Creed games developed by Ubi Soft until a couple years ago, up to Assassin’s Creed: Unity.

Altaïr (NECA Player Select)
This version of Altaïr was part of NECA’s Player Select line from late 2008 and is made in a 7-inch scale. It depicts the player character from the first Assassin’s Creed game, developed by Ubi Soft.

Ares (Collect and Connect)
It is a deviously crafty move on the part of Mattel to make the main antagonist from the successful Wonder Woman movie available as the Collect & Connect bonus figure in the corresponding DC Multiverse assortment,

Wonder Woman (with Cloak)
So, Wonder Woman. A surprisingly good movie released by Warner in 2017 and of course, Mattel has the license to make toys based on this movie.

Queen Hippolyta
Hippolyta is a major character at the beginning of the film as played by actress Connie Nielsen, and this action figure depicts her in a very regal outfit consisting mostly of a long cloak worn over a very ornate suit of Amazonian armor.

Diana of Themyscira (Wonder Woman)
Mattel produced this Diana of Themyscira action figure to go with the 2017 Wonder Woman movie line as part of the DC Multiverse collection.

Steve Trevor
I find it odd that after decades of hearing from toy makers that action figures based on female characters don’t sell as well as those based on male characters, Mattel decided to go for an almost entirely female selection for the Wonder Woman movie wave within the DC Multiverse line.

Daedric Warrior
The Daedra are the main destructive force in the world of The Elder Scrolls, often characterized as daemons or dark deities, even though this Daedric Warrior is more of a foot soldier than a mastermind villain type.

The Dovahkiin or Dragonborn, are individuals who possess the soul and blood of a dragon inside a mortal body, which is the premise that sets the uniqueness of the main character in the game.

Original Comic Book Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I had not realized how long Playmates has been producing TMNT figures since the re-launch of the franchise via the Nickelodeon cartoon, but the figures I’ll be reviewing today were released as part of the 11th wave of figures in 2014.

Arno Dorian (McFarlane Master Assassin Outfit)
Today I’ll be reviewing the Arno Dorian figure in his McFarlane-designed Master Assassin Outfit, from the Assassin’s Creed: Unity game developed by Ubisoft.

Jyn Erso (Eadu)
Even before seeing the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story movie, I was quite excited about getting new toys associated with it, and one of the first I bought is this Sergeant Jyn Erso (Eadu) figure, from Hasbro’s basic 3.75-inch line.

Lady Deadpool
A couple years back, in comics, the ever-popular Deadpool got into interdimensional travel, where he found slightly different versions of himself; one such incarnation had a complete set of XX chromosomes.
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