Tag: Adventure Wheels

Phil Robertson
Well, I’m sure if you read the other Duck Dynasty figure reviews, you saw this coming. Phil is the fourth figure in the series and really one of the essential ones. Especially, if you consider he’s the one that founded Duck Commander. Appearance: Phil’s appearance is much more like Uncle Si’s. On the show, Phil […]

Willie Robertson
Out of all the Duck Dynasty figures, Willie was the one I was probably least interested in. However, after obtaining the other three, I figured I should finish of the series with the CEO of Duck Commander. Appearance: This is a Willie we’ve seen a few times on the show. It’s his bluejeans with […]

Jase Robertson
I’m a lot like Jase. I often find myself distracted at work by other interests. While his are outdoor pursuits, mine involve toys. Either way, I can see a streak in him that I see in myself. Appearance: Again, like Uncle Si, I suspect the body here is reused. In this it worked out well. […]

Uncle Si
Mrs. Nerd and I are reality TV junkies. However, we don’t watch every thing out there. I was really surprised when she said she wanted to watch an episode of Duck Dynasty. Normally, her tastes don’t run to anything close to outdoors. So we watched and episode, and another episode, and another….You get the idea. […]
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