Tag: Beast

Beast (Marvel Infinite Series)
Dr. Hank McCoy, a.k.a. Beast is one of the original students enrolled in the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters,

Astonishing Beast
It’s been quite a while since I picked up an X-Men comic book, so when images of the more recent Beast action figure started appearing online, I was rather puzzled by his appearance. A lot of the character’s personality got lost in translation in the comic books I used to read in the […]

Retro Review – Beast (Marvel Super Hero Showdown)
While I applaud Hasbro for taking the time to make action figures based on rather obscure characters in the Marvel Universe line, sometimes it feels like they are neglecting some fairly obvious choices, like say, the complete original X-Men roster.

Rogue & Beast Minimates
Well, you knew if I had Gambit, I was going to have get the set with Rogue. I have to say that would have seemed like the more natural pairing for a two pack. I suppose they sell more this way. Both of these Minimates are again their 90’s versions. And I’m really okay with […]
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