Tag: Cobra

Cyber Ninja (Retaliation)
The Cobra Cyber Ninja is not a terrible concept, but execution leaves something to be desired. The Cyber ninja wears bulky armored vests over a very generic body sculpt. In fact, the whole figure is kitbashed from various sources, most notably the Rise of Cobra EliteViper, with a head taken from some vehicle driver and the legs from the wave 1 version of Storm Shadow.

4 Reasons 8-24-2013 is HUGE for GI Joe fans!
8/24/13 has turned into a perfect storm(shadow) of GI Joe goodness! Here’s 4 reasons why: 1. 1 Year Anniversary of 3DJoes.com! Congratulations! Even if you aren’t a GI Joe fan this is a fun sight to check out all of the rotating views of all your favorite Joes. You might also remember 3D Joes […]

Alley Viper (Retaliation)
Well, the second G.I. Joe movie came and went, and the only good thing I have to say about it is that at least I got a few cool toys inspired by it, even if the Alley Viper I’m reviewing today did not really appear on screen.

Zartan (Retaliation)
I have come to realize that the G.I. Joe: Retaliation movie was, at its heart, a project meant to boost toy sales instead of the opposite, where the toys are meant to promote theater attendance.

Firefly (Retaliation)
Other than Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, I would say that Firefly is one of the more iconic characters in the vintage G.I. Joe line, as evidenced by the couple dozen versions released for the character since then.

Underscoopfire’s 50 Greatest GI Joe Characters
I was recently asked to take part in an UnderScoopFire panel to select the 50 Greatest GI Joe characters and 50 Greatest Cobras. It was a lot of fun and really made me think. You can check out the Joe list here: USF’s 50 Greatest GI Joe Characters and the Cobra one here: USF’s 50 […]

Head Swap: Zombie COBRA Swat
I have to say this was a purely based on the new season of the Walking Dead. In the season premier, one of the cooler looking zombies were prison guards that had been turned. While slightly controversial to some, they did look cooler than the typical walkers. Now, I had an idea to put this […]

A Cobra Named Joe #2
Oh, poor Joe Cobra! He just never seems to catch a break. (If you missed the Joe’s first appearance, check it out here.) (Clicking the picture will enlarge it.)

Cobra Commander (Retaliation)
It sure seems like Cobra Commander is turning into the Darth Vader of GI Joe figures. Yet I keep buying them. Honestly, I was going to set this guy aside and try and flip him later. But it got the better of me. Appearance: Is this a screen accurate Cobra Commander from GI Joe: Retaliation? Who […]

Cobra Trooper (Dollar General)
Out of all the Dollar General figures this one might be the most surprising. A generic Cobra Trooper in black. Seems simple enough. But the execution here is pretty darn good. Appearance: Where the black Cobra Commander looks formal, the black on the basic trooper makes him look like an elite guard or a night […]

Cobra Commander (Dollar General)
I’ve documented how I no longer have my vintage mail away Cobra Commander. So it’s no surprise this black suited CC that was part of the Dollar General series appealed to me. Appearance: I’ve always seen the hooded version of Cobra Commander as a more ceremonial version. He’s not going to wear that hood just […]

Cordicon Reviews Dollar General GI Joes
I’ve not managed to snag any of the dollar store GI Joe figures yet. Not for lack of trying, mind you. One person that has is Cordicon from Twitter. He’s a YouTube reviewer, so I thought I’d link to his reviews in case you were wanting to see what the fuss is about. Honestly, I’ve […]

A Cobra Named Joe
Yeah. I know it’s not a review. But I wanted to give it shot. I had some much fun with the Springfield Speaks contest, I wanted to generate a storyline with it. So, I’m introducing the misadventures of a Cobra Named Joe. This poor guy gets it from everybody. If you want to see more […]

Zombie Viper
With the current zombie trend in a variety of media, a zombie GI Joe figure was probably inevitable. That he ends up on the Cobra side of the fence, isn’t a huge stretch. Following with a theme of bio-terrorism in the 30th Anniversary line, the Zombie Viper fills a role that a large terrorist would […]

Hazard Viper
Handling dangerous chemicals can be fun. I’m sure that’s how the Hazard Viper recruiting poster reads. The Hazard Viper is obviously a troop engaged in chemical or biological warfare for Cobra. It’s actually pretty cool they went more real world with him than fantasy. Appearance: The HV is essentially a guy in chemical suit. And […]

Springfield Speaks Contest (Part 3)
Figure of the Day has returned as a contest sponsor to TVFT, and I have to say I couldn’t be happier to bring everybody a chance to win a really great set of GI Joe figures. The theme of this set is Cobra. Packed with some favorite army builders and a couple of updates to […]

Cobra HISS Driver
I love the vintage HISS and HISS Driver. However, in the latest contest photo you may have noticed this update to the HISS driver lurking in the background. He comes to us via the 30th Anniversary HISS. (Not the Crimson one.) Appearance: Much like the other 30th Anniversary GI Joe Figures, this Hiss Driver is […]

Springfield Speaks Contest (Part 2)
Figure of the Day has returned as a contest sponsor to TVFT, and I have to say I couldn’t be happier to bring everybody a chance to win a really great set of GI Joe figures. The theme of this set is Cobra. Packed with some favorite army builders and a couple of updates to […]

Springfield Speaks Contest (Part 1)
Figure of the Day has returned as a contest sponsor to TVFT, and I have to say I couldn’t be happier to bring everybody a chance to win a really great set of GI Joe figures. The theme of this set is Cobra. Packed with some favorite army builders and a couple of updates to […]

Cobra Black Dragon
I know. It’s been forever since I reviewed the Black Dragon Pilot. I’ve taken pictures on more than one occasion. They’ve just never been as good as I wanted. Part of the issue stem from the fact, this one of the biggest things I’ve tried to photograph for the site. My background wan’t quite big […]
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