Tag: Comics
SCCC Artist Spotlight: Robert Atkins
I had heard about Robert Atkins on the What’s on Joe Mind? Podcast. I knew he was a GI Joe artist. So I was very excited to hear he was coming to our local Summit City Comic Con here in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I actually had a TVFT table, so I didn’t get as much […]
Summit City Comic Con 2010
The adventures of the Promodiva and Engineernerd at Fort Wayne’s Comic Convention.
Alpha Flight Desktop Wallpaper
I had started reading Alpha Flight about halfway through the first series. At that point, Marvel decided to take the book subscription only or comic shop distributed. Without a comic shop in my hometown, I ended up not getting anymore of them. When ToyBiz brought out their Alpha Flight 2-packs, I couldn’t resist this one. […]
Muppet Comic “Muparitaville”
The Muppets have had a number of musical guest stars over the years. Sometimes they would do variations on their songs when they came on the show. Jimmy Buffett did a song on Kermit Unplugged titled “Mr. Spaceman”. So, it seemed a natual to Muppetize Margaritaville in a comic strip. [imagebrowser id=7]
1975 Comic Book Ads
We recently started watching Smallville. This led Mrs.Nerd to ask the question, “Who’s Green Lantern?” I gave her a brief synopsis of what I could remember and tried to describe his Super Friends outfit for her to no success. In order to show her, I decided to go to my comic archives. I have a long […]
WOS Comic “The Tape”
TVFT presents the WOS Web comic “The Tape”. This seven part series was our parody of the “The Ring.”
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