Tag: Droid

Yeah, I think you guys know that I’m a recovering Star Wars collector. It has been a long time since I’ve seen a figure that warranted buying to me. Not to say everything is a bad figure out there, I just don’t need more Vaders, Lukes, Stormtroopers, etc…. I’ve even passed on all of […]

PZ-4CO is a communications droid that was seen briefly at the Resistance base scenes in the episode VII movie.

R2-D2 (Black Series)
When I learned about the sightings of the first wave of 6-inch Star Wars Black Series in my city, I was reluctant at first but after a little pondering, my intention shifted from getting just the one Sandtrooper to maybe picking up the R2-D2.

Destroyer Droid (Clone Wars)
Recently, I commented on how the regular Clone Wars Battle Droids tended to warm pegs at stores although, I do think that those guys will eventually sell, at the right price point, while the subject of today’s review, the Droideka, a.k.a. Destroyer Droid may be a harder sale.

Battle Droid (Clone Wars)
If I had to name one type of character that consistently warmed pegs at everywhere I went, looking for Star Wars figures, it would be the lowly CIS Battle Droid. These guys looked impressive in the Episode I trailer over ten years ago, but over time, they became a joke due to their […]

R2-D2 (Clone Wars)
One character I just don’t get figures of that often is R2-D2. It is not that I don’t like him, quite the contrary, but I just don’t see the need to get every variation Hasbro makes once I have a perfectly good version of the droid.

Assassin Droids (Clone Wars)
As a longtime SW collector, I was not too thrilled when Hasbro announced they would be investing resources to produce a toy line based on the then new Clone Wars TV show. Even though…

Cobra BAT
I think Cobra’s BAT troopers are every army’s dream. Android soldiers that you drop into battle and don’t have to worry about as casualties. They would be the ground equivalent of some of the remote operated vehicles armed force are using in the air these days. Appearance: I never understood why the BAT’s needed clothes. […]

4A-7 Spy Droid (Clone Wars)
Seen only in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie from 2008 and released by Hasbro in the third wave of figures from their Clone Wars line, 4A-7 appears to be an Arakyd Industries RA7 series droid, although from the neck down the basic structure is that of a Cybot Galactica’s 3PO series protocol droid.

Jawa & Security Droid
Frequent visitors to the site will know that I have a soft spot for Jawas. I think the pint sized scavengers just captured my imagination when I was a kid and didn’t let go. Frequent readers will also know that I like figures that are able to sit. With this most recent Jawa release we […]

These Aren’t the Droids Desktop Wallpaper
Alright, I can’t remember what caused me to want to make this. Sometimes I just get an idea and want to see it through. I really overuse the “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for” line. Ask Mrs. Nerd and my co-workers. Click the image for full size Wallpaper. [singlepic id=119 w=500 h=330 mode=web20 float=center]

International Bonus Battle Droids
With all the mentions lately of Episode 1, I thought it would be fun to dust this guy off. Mrs. Nerd had picked this card up at a local comic shop for me. It’s a European E1 realease Destroyer Droid with a bonus Battle Droid. Her thought was I could use it as an army […]

The Star Wars universe is intended to have a lived in look. I think with all the pretty white clone armor and Imperial hardware we’ve seen in recent years it’s easy to over look that. The rest of the universe is worn, used, frayed, etc… The harsh environment of Tatooine is a great weathering agent on its’ inhabitants and […]

C-3PO & Salacious Crumb
C-3PO didn’t really change through the original Star Wars trilogy very much. However, we have been treated with a couple of variations over the years. This one is taken from a couple of different scenes from “Return of the Jedi.” The first one one is the scene where Boushh brings in the rogue Chewbacca. Jabba thumps 3PO on […]

Jawa & WED Droid
All of the Wal-Marts in my area have been resetting all their displays and haven’t been stocking anything to speak of. I was actually surprised to find this new Jawa & Treadwell two pack when on a recent visit. Stormtrooper Luke I could pass up with a $7 price tag, but the blister on this […]

This is probably another one of those things fans will be discussing for ages. Obviously, the Tri Droidis one of the many mechanical maniacs of the Separatists’ forces from Star Wars Episodes 2 & 3. Which one could be debated since there were large and small versions of this three limbed beastie. I’ll quote from the Star Wars Databank, “The tri-droids […]

Mustafar Panning Droid
Mrs. Nerd made a rule for my collection. If it was going to be on display in the main area of the basement it had to be on some nice shelves. We’ve got three book case units that house the portion of collection that’s on display. I like the nice dark wood cases, but figures don’t always stand out against them. […]

Zuckuss here was one of the bounty hunters from “The Empire Strikes Back.” Did I say Zuckuss? I meant 4-LOM. A little explanation for the POTF2 generation. Back in the vintage line days, the names for 4-LOM and Zuckuss got switched. So, this guy got branded as Zuckuss.When POTF2 rolled around the names got switched to the correct ones. The […]

Jawa & LIN Droid
Ah, Jawas. The mysterious little nomadic junk dealers that give R2 and 3PO a lift. I’ve always had a soft spot for these guys. I think as a kid watching Episode 4 you could relate to them. They were about your size and height, and ran around picking up junk. One Halloween (77 or 78), I was Jawa. Of course, […]

Saga Legends. The name conjures to mind heroes and their incredible accomplishments. It does not, at least for me, bring to mind a droid that lurks about the Death Star spying on people. Ironically, there are two main places you can see RA-7 droids in Star Wars Episode 4. The first is the Jawa’s Sandcrawler. The second is the Death Star. […]
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