Tag: Episode 1

Battle Droid (Clone Wars)
If I had to name one type of character that consistently warmed pegs at everywhere I went, looking for Star Wars figures, it would be the lowly CIS Battle Droid. These guys looked impressive in the Episode I trailer over ten years ago, but over time, they became a joke due to their […]

Jar Jar Binks (Movie Heroes)
I feel bad for Jar Jar. Haters have used him so often as a symbol of what they don’t like in the prequels, he hardly ever gets any new merchandise. From my memory, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a movie version of him in action figure form. Appearance: I was excited to […]

Ratts Tyerell & Pit Droid
Back when Episode I was released, a lot of praise was heaped upon the pod racing scenes in Tatooine but I wasn’t that much impressed, to be honest. The extended scenes included for the latest releases of the film in DVD and BR formats actually add to the rhythm of the whole sequence, but it kind of took about 13 years for them to tweak it.

Qui-Gon Jinn & Eopie
With all the up coming hype for Star Wars Episode 1 in 3D, I’m hoping we see some Qui Gon love. In the mean time, I guess I’ll tide myself over with this. From last year, this Qui Gon & Eopie was a mail away to fill a gap in some collectors collections. If my […]

International Bonus Battle Droids
With all the mentions lately of Episode 1, I thought it would be fun to dust this guy off. Mrs. Nerd had picked this card up at a local comic shop for me. It’s a European E1 realease Destroyer Droid with a bonus Battle Droid. Her thought was I could use it as an army […]

Lately, it seems like there have been a number of figures that I was interested in seeing, and just never do. I saw exactly one of the “Crispy” Anakins at a comic shop a few months back. If he wasn’t in the hands of a twelve year old, I’d a had him. Endor Luke is a newer example. Gragra […]
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