Tag: Figure of the Day

Summer of GI Joe Winners!
Sorry for the delay in the announcement, random life delays got in the way. My deepest apologies. The random winner of the Summer of GI Joe contest is S. Blackburn. For our second winner, Mrs Nerd picked Compulsive Collectors entry on picture number 3 as her favorite! Check out his site here: http://www.compulsivecollector.com/ Once again, huge […]

Summer of GI Joe Contest Part 3
Okay, so GI Joe is taking the summer off. The Joes and Cobras are doing some of those mundane things that we all do during the summer. To soothe your angst, Figure of the Day is sponsoring another TVFT caption contest! The prize? Well, Joes of course! There’s nothing better than winning free figures. Maybe […]

Summer of GI Joe Contest Part 2
Okay, so GI Joe is taking the summer off. The Joes and Cobras are doing some of those mundane things that we all do during the summer. To soothe your angst, Figure of the Day is sponsoring another TVFT caption contest! The prize? Well, Joes of course! There’s nothing better than winning free figures. Maybe […]

Summer of GI Joe Contest Part 1
Okay, so GI Joe is taking the summer off. The Joes and Cobras are doing some of those mundane things that we all do during the summer. To soothe your angst, Figure of the Day is sponsoring another TVFT caption contest! The prize? Well, Joes of course! There’s nothing better than winning free figures. Maybe […]

Springfield Speaks Winner!
And the winner of the Springfield Speaks contest is Brent Brown. If you get a a chance, check out his site. Lots of cool toy stuff there! BrentBrown.com Once again, huge thanks to Figure of the Day for making this contest possible. Remember to visit them every day as you never know what they’ll have […]

Springfield Speaks Contest (Part 3)
Figure of the Day has returned as a contest sponsor to TVFT, and I have to say I couldn’t be happier to bring everybody a chance to win a really great set of GI Joe figures. The theme of this set is Cobra. Packed with some favorite army builders and a couple of updates to […]

Springfield Speaks Contest (Part 2)
Figure of the Day has returned as a contest sponsor to TVFT, and I have to say I couldn’t be happier to bring everybody a chance to win a really great set of GI Joe figures. The theme of this set is Cobra. Packed with some favorite army builders and a couple of updates to […]

Springfield Speaks Contest (Part 1)
Figure of the Day has returned as a contest sponsor to TVFT, and I have to say I couldn’t be happier to bring everybody a chance to win a really great set of GI Joe figures. The theme of this set is Cobra. Packed with some favorite army builders and a couple of updates to […]

And The Vinner Is….
I have to say I’m really please with the interaction and participation in the contest. A huge thanks to our sponsor Figure of the Day. Remember to go check them out every day, as there is a new figure a day (Clever!). So without further ado…selected through a scientific double blind process by Mrs. Nerd…Pocket […]
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