Cobra HISS Driver
I love the vintage HISS and HISS Driver. However, in the latest contest photo you may have noticed this update to the HISS driver lurking in the background. He comes to us via the 30th Anniversary HISS. (Not the Crimson one.) Appearance: Much like the other 30th Anniversary GI Joe Figures, this Hiss Driver is […]
HISS Driver (Vintage)
Last time I checked out the vintage Cobra HISS Tank. So it seems pretty obvious this time I’d review the HISS Driver. I don’t really recall this guy showing up much in the animated series or comic book. I’m sure he was in there somewhere, I just can’t recall it. Appearance: Well, he looks like a […]
Cobra H.I.S.S. (Vintage)
As one of the first Cobra vehicles, the H.I.S.S. tank has earned a spot in most GI Joe fans hearts. The iconic battlefield conveyance of “The Enemy” has remained relatively unchanged until it’s recent redesign. In theory, it’s name translates to HIgh Speed Sentry. In reality, it was a stylized tank for Cobra to motor […]
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