Tag: Jabba’s Palace

Slave Leia (Black Series)
I never quite got the reason Hasbro decided to make this the first version of Princess Leia to appear as part of their Star Wars Black Series 6-inch figure line.

Salacious Crumb (Star Wars Buddies)
Last week I checked out what may be the best representation from the “Star Wars Buddies” first wave. This time I’m looking at one that is less than perfect, Salacious Crumb. Jabba’s little cackling pet has his fans, and I’m sure some folks love him,though. Let me get this out of the way. I think […]

Weequay (Skiff Master)
Even though this specific character never had an action figure made back in the Kenner years, Hasbro deemed the Weequay (Skiff Master) worthy of being released as part of the Star Wars Vintage Collection in 2011.

Gamorrean Guard
Out of all of the figures comprising wave 3 of the Star Wars Vintage Collection by Hasbro, the Gamorrean Guard was right at the top spot of my list.

You know the old phrase by Shakespeare “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”? Well, something similar can be applied here, as even though the card states that the character name is officially Wooof, he’ll always be Klaatu to me

Malakili (Rancor Keeper)
Malakili is a character whose claim to fame comes from being heartbroken when Luke Skywalker kills the Rancor at Jabba’s Palace by squashing the creature with a spiked door.

Giran was released in 2009 as part of the fourth wave of red-carded Legacy Collection figures from Hasbro. This wave is inspired in the characters seen in the Episode VI: Return of the Jedi movie.

Princess Leia (Jabba’s Prisoner)
Back in 1997, when the first “Slave Girl” or “Dancing Girl” Leia came out, it was a figure that I thought would never get made. However, this year’s “Legacy” series from Hasbro has brought another new version of this figure. Obviously, this version of Leia is popular with the fanboys. It’s tough as nails Princess […]

The Star Wars universe is intended to have a lived in look. I think with all the pretty white clone armor and Imperial hardware we’ve seen in recent years it’s easy to over look that. The rest of the universe is worn, used, frayed, etc… The harsh environment of Tatooine is a great weathering agent on its’ inhabitants and […]

Yarna D’al Gargan
This is one of those figures that was definitely made for the collectors out there. Fans have been asking for her sinceshe first appeared on screen in “Return of the Jedi.” Kenner had her in the development pipeline for the vintage line until Lucasfilm axed the idea. (Check out the prototype here.) Who is she, you ask? Yarna D’al Gargan is […]

Umpass Stay
Depending on when you saw “Return of the Jedi” for the first time will probably determine your feeling towards Umpass Stay. He’s a drummer, okay his card says percussionist, for the Max Rebo Band. However, if you are old enough to remember a pre-special edition Episode 6, he wasn’t there. To me “Lapti Nek” will always be the Rebo band […]

C-3PO & Salacious Crumb
C-3PO didn’t really change through the original Star Wars trilogy very much. However, we have been treated with a couple of variations over the years. This one is taken from a couple of different scenes from “Return of the Jedi.” The first one one is the scene where Boushh brings in the rogue Chewbacca. Jabba thumps 3PO on […]

Bane Malar
If you look in the background of any Star Wars film, you will see a number of very earthly items being used in unearthy ways. Ladies razors being used for walkie talkies. Pen tops being used for belt doodads. Even the original lightsabers were made from something as mundane as a camera flash. A number […]

Hermi Odle
Ah, another figure collectors have dreamt of for years. Hermi Odle, the big hulking lug from the back of Jabba’s palace. I remember Hermi as being something that was asked for back in the Beast collection days. I think a lot of collectors always thought it would take something special to bring this character to figure life. I have to […]

Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
This seems to be the year of Luke Skywalker, action figure wise, at least. This is the third Luke we’ve seen in the TAC line. Must always have to be a Luke or Vader in the assortment. Hasbro must have hired the Homer & Bart marketing team for the WOS line. Oddly this is another Jabba’s palace Luke. Most […]

Last year, Hasbro gave us a figure of Umpass Stay, one of the drummer’s from the “enhanced” Max Rebo band. He came with half of the large drum that he shared with Ak-Rev. This year we get the other half of the drum with Ak-Rev. Cool, the Rebo band rhythm section is complete. I really feel bad for the folks […]
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