Tag: Vintage

I realize the original Clash of the Titans film, may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I love Ray Harryhausen’s stop motion stuff. As a kid I was fascinated but how you animate things like mythological creatures. Calibos was one of those creatures in the film. Well, sort of. He was a man deformed […]

Ace (Vintage)
Well I didn’t think was right to look at the new Ace without taking a look back at the vintage one. This Ace came with the original Skystriker and his design was featured in most of his early comic appearances: Appearnace: He looks like an astronaut. There I said it. It’s probably not Hasbro’s fault. […]

Rebel Soldier (Hoth Battle Gear)
After seeing Errex’s review of the modern updated of the Hoth Rebel Trooper, I thought it would be cool to take a look back at the vintage one. The Rebel Soldier was released as one of the first 10 figures from the Empire Strikes Back. He the first generic “good guy” in the vintage Star […]

Wampa (Vintage)
Long before the Special Editions, there was a toy version of the Wampa released. As part of the vintage line, the Wampa was released in a box similar to the Taun Taun. He even got his own commmerical. Appearance: Things here are a little sketchy. Back before his digital enhancement, the Wampa didn’t get much […]

C-3PO Switcheroo
When most folks say they collect Star Wars, I think most people immediately think action figures. However, the back of those mini catalogs were filled with items that few folks remember or have seen. One of my favorites is something that was on the wall of my room for a long time, the C-3PO Switcheroo. Kenner produced […]

Snow Job (Vintage)
Yes, I’m aware most of you were expecting to read a Black Dragon review this week. Well, I wasn’t happy with the pictures. It will be soon, though. So instead I put this vintage Joe review together as penance. As much as I didn’t like my Black Dragon pictures, I really don’t like taking pictures of […]

Clutch (VAMP Driver-Vintage)
Clutch is one of my favorites of the original Joes. It’s no surprise mine is a straight arm version. Appearance: Being one of the originals, Clutch is mainly a pairing up of some basic parts. For the most part He’s the same figure as Breaker. The legs, arms, waist and head are all the same […]

GI Joe Catalog (Vintage)
I always used to love the little insert catalogs that came with boxed vehicles and other items. In those pre-internet days, they were some of the only pictures you had to know what was coming up in a line. One of my favorites is this original GI Joe insert from the start of the line. […]

HISS Driver (Vintage)
Last time I checked out the vintage Cobra HISS Tank. So it seems pretty obvious this time I’d review the HISS Driver. I don’t really recall this guy showing up much in the animated series or comic book. I’m sure he was in there somewhere, I just can’t recall it. Appearance: Well, he looks like a […]

Cobra H.I.S.S. (Vintage)
As one of the first Cobra vehicles, the H.I.S.S. tank has earned a spot in most GI Joe fans hearts. The iconic battlefield conveyance of “The Enemy” has remained relatively unchanged until it’s recent redesign. In theory, it’s name translates to HIgh Speed Sentry. In reality, it was a stylized tank for Cobra to motor […]

Firefly (Vintage)
After thinking about my review of the Cobra Shock Trooper, I realized why I like him so much. He reminds me of the vintage Firefly. Must be the grey camo. Firefly is the “Cobra Saboteur” according to his vintage card. He’s a guy that will sneak in, plant a bomb, and leave. Sadly, this type of […]

Grunt (GI Joe Falcon Glider Version)
Grunt was one of the original straight arm GI Joe figures. Out of the that group he was the one that was probably most like a generic soldier. I also remember passing on him as a kid due to accessory math. The thing that lost it for him? No visor. Grunt was recolored and used […]

Han Solo (Echo Base Outfit)
I have never really identified with Han Solo, and accordingly, I have not been too keen in keeping up with the newer action figures released for the character. Back when the line up for the first wave of the new Vintage Collection was announced, the Echo Base Han Solo was one I did not plan to get at launch date.

Perseus & Pegasus
At the time of “Clash of the Titans” release, Mattel released a limited line of action figures and accessories based on the film. One of these items was a boxed set of Perseus and Pegasus.

MTV-7 Mini-Rig
I was looking at the list of reviews on the website the other day and noticed I was really lacking in a few different areas. When I look over at my display shelves, I can see a an area for vintage figures, a number of vehicles, and a large section of WOS figures. So I […]

A Grand Army of One (or Two)
I was re-arranging my Emperor’s Arrival display theother day and realized I had a small army of Stormtroopers in it. A glance to another shelf a group of six Sandtroopers had detained a landspeeder with Luke, Ben and the droids. And I’m not even going to start on the clone troopers from the newer films. […]

Vintage Indiana Jones
One of my favorite things to ask people is, “What’s your favorite movie?” I’ve even asked it when interviewing folks. I use it to understand folk’s sense of humor and acceptance of geekiness. Now, if you’ve visited this site more than once, you’ll know I’m a huge Star Wars fan and collector. What you probably wouldn’t guess is that “”Raiders of […]

Vintage Cairo Swordsman
Today’s review continues with our recent Indiana Jones Retro Reviews. We’ve already took a look at Indy and Belloq.The focus for this is review is the Cairo Swordsman. Indy was chased by a number of turban clad mercenaries through a Cairo marketplace in the original film. One particular foe stood out. The Cairo Swordsman. He stood out for few different reasons. […]

Vintage Large Size Boba Fett
You have to be impressed with what the marketing folks in the late seventies did with Boba Fett. He was a character that none of us knew anything about, yet we all thought he was the baddest dude in the Star Wars universe. He showed up in the holiday special. He was one of the first mail away figures. And he got […]

Love it or hate it, you have to admit E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) was one of the biggest films of its’time. If I had a picture of the E.T. costume my mom made to accompany this review, I would put it in.
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