Name That…Missile Command

August 3, 2010 | By More

I’m going to review the source of this item in the near future.

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  1. Errex says:

    From the Quake line, the alien Strogg Tank figure. 😉

  2. Errex says:

    For some reason I can’t think of anything other than the missile from the diecast S.H.A.D.O. Striker ship from that old british TV series U.F.O.

  3. Engineernerd says:

    It is not a diecast piece. I’m pretty impressed by the guess, though.

  4. Engineernerd says:

    There was a Quake line? Good try, though.

  5. jgatienza says:

    SPOILER cyclon vehicle from battlestar galactica END

  6. Errex says:

    SPOILER Last try, could it be from Mattel's BSG Colonial Viper, circa 1978? END

  7. Engineernerd says:

    Jgatienza, You got it! You are either a big toy geek, or as old as I am.

    Errex, You got it, too. Way to stay with it!