RSSCategory: Media Reviews

Gundam Build Fighters

Gundam Build Fighters

  Okay, I’ll probably loose some geek cred for this one, but I’m not a huge anime fan. I will even say that at one time I didn’t realize there was difference between the Gundam and Macross worlds. For years, I never delved into either properly. When I have tried an anime here and there […]

October 2, 2015 | By | Reply More
Engineernerd’s Top 8 or 9 Most Influential TV Shows

Engineernerd’s Top 8 or 9 Most Influential TV Shows

Nerd Lunch recently had a podcast episode discussing about the top 10 most influential TV shows of all time (Nerd Lunch Episode 192). Their list was a counter to a Screen Rant post. The Screen Rant list was more of a what has been influential lately. The Nerd Lunch boys were much more even handed […]

September 9, 2015 | By | 2 Replies More
The Top 5 Things That Annoy Me About The Walking Dead

The Top 5 Things That Annoy Me About The Walking Dead

I haven’t tried to hide the fact that I’ve been less than enthused with the past couple of seasons of Walking Dead. I’ve called it both “The Walking” and “The Boring Dead.” I hadn’t really put together why, so I thought I’d try to lay it out here. 1. Why haven’t we seen a horse […]

November 12, 2014 | By | Reply More
Kamen Rider Gaim

Kamen Rider Gaim

I figured the best way to kick off Gaim week was to give a little review of the show. What’s that? You’ve never seen it on your listings. Well, if you don’t live in Japan you will need to find an alternate method to find it. Which leads to the question, of how I found […]

July 28, 2014 | By | Reply More
Face Off – Do They Listen to the Judges?

Face Off – Do They Listen to the Judges?

I realized I hadn’t written anything about this season’s Face Off yet. I know it’s almost over. I know there are only 4 people left. I know there is one that seems capable of winning it more than the others. But, if you’re reading this, you must have some interest. I can tell you this, […]

March 18, 2013 | By | Reply More
The End of Fringe

The End of Fringe

Mrs. Nerd asked me the day after watching the last Fringe episode how I felt about it. We went on to talk about our various thoughts on the series and so forth. It was a quite enjoyable conversation. Thinking about it, the conversation contained none of the usual questions about series finales. We didn’t discuss […]

January 23, 2013 | By | 1 Reply More
Face Off Season 3 Ups The Bar Again

Face Off Season 3 Ups The Bar Again

Each season of Face Off has upped the bar in terms of complexity and skill level of the contestants. The third season has done this again. (You can look back at my thoughts on previous seasons here and here.) Normally, I can tell from the first episode about half the folks who aren’t going to […]

September 26, 2012 | By | Reply More
SCCC Spotlight: Dave Wachter

SCCC Spotlight: Dave Wachter

There were 2 things that caught my eye as I walked into the Summit City Comic Convention, first was a large cardboard standup of Captain America, which unfortunately had a note tacked to it “sold” the other was a intricately detailed sketch of a World War II era Red Skull. As I perused artist alley […]

June 11, 2012 | By | 1 Reply More
Face/Off Season 2: Advice for Reality Show Contestants

Face/Off Season 2: Advice for Reality Show Contestants

It’s no secret that Mrs. Nerd and I are reality TV junkies. Last year SyFy captured our interest with their newest reality entry, Face/Off. This spin on the typical “last person standing” show revolves around folks exhibiting their skills with special effects make up. Back for a second season, it’s obvious that SyFy has a monstrous […]

February 17, 2012 | By | 3 Replies More
Essential Captain America Volume 1

Essential Captain America Volume 1

Okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t go see Captain America in theaters. Wanted to, just never made it. Now that I have that out of the way, let’s get on with the show. Before the film came out, I bought Captain America Essentials Volume 1. I wanted to do a little reading up on a hero […]

September 12, 2011 | By | Reply More
Summit City Comic Con Spotlight – Nik Havert

Summit City Comic Con Spotlight – Nik Havert

I couldn’t pass up a sales pitch like, “Buy a comic, I’ll write you a haiku” could I? And thus I was lured into a Nik Havert’s world. Okay, maybe it wasn’t quite like that, but close. Nik Havert is the “Big Cheese” at Pickle Press. And actually his table had some interesting art on […]

August 19, 2011 | By | 4 Replies More
Summit City Comic Con Spotlight – Ben Tiede

Summit City Comic Con Spotlight – Ben Tiede

Readers may recognize Ben Tiede’s name from the Distinguished Comic Book Podcast. Along with Zack Kruse, Ben is one of the hosts. But when he’s not telling us about other people’s comics he’s out making his own art. Let me just say Ben has some crazy art skills. He has a pretty good range of […]

July 22, 2011 | By | Reply More
Summit City Comic Con Spotlight – Michael Schwartz

Summit City Comic Con Spotlight – Michael Schwartz

I thought I’d do something a little different this year, and give some of the talented folks a bit of a shout out. To start this series off, I thought I’d spotlight Michael Scwartz. Michael is pretty cool dude and is the creator of Oceanverse. Oceanverse, to quote the website, “chronicles the adventures of Clayton Hemmings […]

July 15, 2011 | By | Reply More
Caaats & Trolls

Caaats & Trolls

A spotlight on local Fort Wayne artist Matt Gross and his book “The Troll and The Giant” and his webcomic “Caaats!”

May 6, 2011 | By | 1 Reply More
SyFy’s “Face Off” Makes Me Rethink My Career Choice

SyFy’s “Face Off” Makes Me Rethink My Career Choice

From a very early age I’ve had a fascination with movies and TV shows. Not only the shows themselves but the technical aspects of how they are made. And since I lean towards sci-fi and fantasy genres, these things typically include special effects and make up. Back in my day, there wasn’t an internet to […]

March 11, 2011 | By | 2 Replies More
“The Girl Who Played With Fire” & “…Kicked The Hornet’s Nest” Movie Reviews

“The Girl Who Played With Fire” & “…Kicked The Hornet’s Nest” Movie Reviews

I really intended to write these as two separate reviews. These two films came out fairly close together, and well, I just didn’t get the second one done in time. However, while  “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” stood on it’s own, the second and third parts of the Millennium Trilogy need to be seen […]

February 25, 2011 | By | 1 Reply More
Is NBC’s “The Cape” just “Diet Spawn”?

Is NBC’s “The Cape” just “Diet Spawn”?

There just seemed to be something familiar to me about “The Cape” that I couldn’t put my finger on. Then it hit me, the show was like the “lite” version of Spawn.

January 23, 2011 | By | Reply More
Bust Some Punks – “The Good Guys” Review

Bust Some Punks – “The Good Guys” Review

Every week their are two shows that cause some controversy in the Nerd household. The first is on Tuesday and is Glee. Mrs. Nerd loves the show. The plethora of Eighties songs has helped fuel this I suspect. It’s not that I hate the show, but I put up a protest mainly to keep my […]

October 8, 2010 | By | 4 Replies More
“The Amazing Spiderman – The Mark of the Man-Wolf” Book & Record

“The Amazing Spiderman – The Mark of the Man-Wolf” Book & Record

I know some of the kids out there are saying, “Records?” But yes, I’m old enough to have had child hood that involved small spinning discs that were of the non-digital variety. Back in our day, this was about as interactive as entertainment got. This was long before Leap Frog and the kinds of interactive toys that are around today.

July 25, 2010 | By | 2 Replies More
“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Film Review

“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Film Review

The film is based on a trilogy of Swedish novels. They were written by Stieg Larsson, who unfortunately, passed away shortly after completing the trilogy. The novels have became world wide bestsellers. As of this writing, the third book was just released in hardcover here in the States.

July 3, 2010 | By | 5 Replies More