Tag: The Force Awakens

Fifth Brother Inquisitor
When it comes to Star Wars: Rebels action figures, Hasbro has been rather inconsistent in their release. The first few characters were sold within the 2015 Saga Legends assortment, either individually or in 2-packs.

Kylo Ren (Jedi Force)
The Playskool aesthetics applied on this particular version of Kylo reminds me a lot of the cartoons drawn by Brian Kessinger, where we get to see different characters from Star Wars existing in the Calvin & Hobbes universe.

First Order Flametrooper (Jedi Force)
I really like the stylized format Hasbro uses for their Playskool action figures. In the case of the Jedi Force segment, they recently started offering single characters with action features built in them, like this First Order Flametrooper.

Rey (Resistance Outfit)
Rey is seen wearing this outfit right at the end of Star Wars The Force Awakens, for about five minutes, and even though it does look more put together than the scavenger outfit se wears for most of the movie, it is fairly evident the girl likes beige.

Kylo Ren
Within the very first wave of figures for the Rogue One movie, Hasbro gives us yet another version of everybody’s favorite space Nazgûl.

Rey (Starkiller Base)
One of the first figures I picked up back when toys for Star Wars: The Force Awakens began trickling into stores was Rey (Starkiller Base).

Tasu Leech
The Kanjiklub gang is one of the crime syndicates that took advantage of the collapse of the Black Sun organization in the years following the Galactic Civil War and Tasu Leech was one of their leaders during the events of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Kylo Ren (Unmasked)
Even though Hasbro did provide at least a couple different versions of Kylo Ren in the early 3.75-inch action figure assortment, it was until the last wave allotted for Star Wars: The Force Awakens that Unmasked Kylo Ren was made available.

First Order Flametrooper
Even though we got to see a myriad of specialized troopers back in the Original Trilogy days, one of the more interesting First Order trooper designs we got to see in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie is that of the Flametrooper.

First Order Snowtrooper
One aspect I really enjoyed from Episode VII was the variety of environments visited by the heroes, from the arid wastes of Jakku to the alpine ranges of Starkiller Base. And of course, they encountered a suitable array of enemies on each one.

Nien Nunb (Episode VII)
Following my affinity for Star Wars aliens and droids, I was particularly happy to see Nien Nunb return to the screen in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Of course, he was still used in a minor role but it was good to see him still on duty and even better to know Hasbro would make a new action figure of him.

Hassk Thug
In many ways, the seventh movie in the Star Wars saga felt somewhat like a rethread of themes we knew from the previous two trilogies. Among other things, we got to see desert planets, immense weapons of mass destruction and last but not least, a place where the most disparate creatures hung out together while relaxing and having a drink.

Han Solo (Episode 7)
Today we will take a look at the basic Han Solo action figure made by Hasbro from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Goss Toowers
One thing you can always count on in a Star Wars movie is that you’ll see a lot of aliens doing pretty mundane tasks, adding to the plausibility of the fictional universe, as it were.

Finn (Jakku)
Ever wondered what would a First Order Stormtrooper wear underneath all the armor? Well, apparently they go about with black cargo pants and long-sleeve T-shirts, as attested by this Finn (Jakku) action figure.

Constable Zuvio
Droids and aliens are just a couple of the things you can count on Hasbro doing right, when it comes to Star Wars action figures. We have seen them make toys out of incomplete puppets seen briefly in crowd scenes, from way back in the Original Trilogy days.

First Order Snowtrooper (Value Series)
The First Order Snowtrooper seems to be made using the exact same digital files used for the 3.75-inch version, with some tweaks done to fit in the even more reduced articulation scheme

Kylo Ren (Value Series)
One interesting piece of merchandise I stumbled upon while looking for Episode VII action figures was this 5.5-inch version of Kylo Ren.

Kylo Ren
One of the more intriguing bits of information released prior to the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was the image of the movie’s villain, Kylo Ren.
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