Finn (Jakku)

July 19, 2016 | By More

Finn Jakku (5)


Finn Jakku (4)Ever wondered what would a First Order Stormtrooper wear underneath all the armor? Well, apparently they go about with black cargo pants and long-sleeve T-shirts, as attested by this Finn (Jakku) action figure.


This figure depicts Finn as he appears for most of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie, after he discards his armor all over the desert dunes of the planet Jakku. The sculpture is nicely detailed and you can even make out the fabric texture on Finn’s chest.


The head sculpt has as decent a likeness to actor John Boyega as these mass-market products could get and it even has a stern facial expression that fits the character well.


Finn Jakku (3)The torso jacket is a removable piece and it is sculpted in a way that it doesn’t look too bulky although if you take it off, the edge of the sleeves around the shoulders can be quite conspicuous.


Finn has only five points of articulation (hips, shoulders and neck) and is sculpted as if taking a step with the left leg slightly forward, but the overall effect is still fairly relaxed.


The paintjob on this version of Finn is minimal, but not without issues. On several of the applications done to the body there are irregular edges and small coverage issues, but on the face the deco was well applied.


Finn Jakku (7)Finn comes armed with one of the new large blasters we saw in the movie, molded in gray/silver plastic. He also ships with yet another Build-A-Weapon piece.


This piece resembles a threaded platform with a couple of automatic weapons attached to the sides. The piece has a rotating pivot piece that allows it to turn into some sort of backpack that can be attached to Finn or any other figure with a similar peghole at the back.


Whilst I still bemoan the reduced articulation Hasbro deemed fit to inflict unto the 3.75-inch line of figures, I have to admit that Hasbro did a fine job with this rendition of Finn.

Finn Jakku (8)

Errex Score: 80/100

Finn Jakku (2)

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About the Author ()

I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

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