Tag: Indiana Jones

Warehouse Crates – Style B
Alright. I’m calling this Crate Style “B”. It’s slightly more difficult than “A”. Please read all the directions before starting, and have fun. (Be careful with the knives and glue guns people.) Tools you will need: Pen or Pencil. Small Ruler. Large Ruler or Straight Edge. Cutting Mat (Scrap Cardboard would work, but I prefer a cutting […]

Warehouse Crates – Style A
Alright. I’m calling this Crate Style “A”. It’s a little easier to build than “B”. Please read all the directions before starting, and have fun. (Be careful with the knives and glue guns people.) Tools you will need: Pen or Pencil. Small Ruler. Large Ruler or Straight Edge. Cutting Mat (Scrap Cardboard would work, but […]

Mola Ram
My favorite Indiana Jones movie is Temple of Doom, and I finally got my hands on the Mola Ram figure by Hasbro. The figure was released in 2008 as part of the fourth and last wave of figures.

Willie Scott
The figure is based on the gown worn by actress Kate Capshaw in the film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom shortly after arriving at Pankot Palace.

Indiana Jones Crystal Skeleton
“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”(KOTCS) was released last year to less than enthusiastic reviews by both fans and critics. The plot revolved around crystal skulls, Mayan end of the world predictions, and aliens. There are several crystal skulls in the world that folks have varying degrees of thought on. The ones […]

Dr. Henry Jones
1989 saw Indiana Jones return to the silver screen for the third time. “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” put Indy in situations reminiscent of the first film. He was fighting Nazi’s, searching for a Christian relic, visited his students, etc… The big twist in this film was the introduction of his father, Henry Jones, Senior. For the 5 people […]

Vintage Indiana Jones
One of my favorite things to ask people is, “What’s your favorite movie?” I’ve even asked it when interviewing folks. I use it to understand folk’s sense of humor and acceptance of geekiness. Now, if you’ve visited this site more than once, you’ll know I’m a huge Star Wars fan and collector. What you probably wouldn’t guess is that “”Raiders of […]

Monkey Man
Indiana Jones coming back to the big screen has given Hasbro a reason to give us new Raider’s figures. If you’ve visited the site before, you’ll know that I’m a pretty big fan of the vintage Kenner Indiana Jones line. I will say that I don’t have a complete collection. I don’t have a complete Well of Souls or Ceremonial […]

One of the key things to being an action hero is you can’t do it alone. Han Solo has Chewbacca, the Lone Ranger has Tonto, and Indiana Jones has Sallah. Without Sallah, Indy would have never found the German dig site or had enough help to get the Ark out of the Well of Souls. When he needed help […]

Vintage Cairo Swordsman
Today’s review continues with our recent Indiana Jones Retro Reviews. We’ve already took a look at Indy and Belloq.The focus for this is review is the Cairo Swordsman. Indy was chased by a number of turban clad mercenaries through a Cairo marketplace in the original film. One particular foe stood out. The Cairo Swordsman. He stood out for few different reasons. […]

Temple Trap Indiana Jones
I’ve mentioned it several times before, Raiders of the Lost Ark is probably my number one favorite film of all time. I was pretty excited to hear about the Indy new film, and the promise offigures from it. To hear that Hasbro was going to go retro and make figures from some of the past films as well, was […]

Grail Knight
Indiana Jones returned to the big screen after a hiatus in 1989. This time the McGuffin was the holy grail of all relics, the Holy Grail. There have been numerous films and TV shows that have mentioned the Grail. Spock went “In Search Of” it. Monty Python went skipping through the English country side to look for it. Dan […]

Adventure Heroes Sallah & Mummy
As a big Indy fan, Indiana Jones Stunt show at MGM Studios at Disney World was a must see for me. I actually had went twice on one visit, one once on another visit. One of these visits was very special, though. I got picked from the audience to become part of the show. I don’t get picked for anything. Not […]

Vintage Marion Ravenwood
In putting together all of the recent Kenner Indiana Jones reviews, I realized something. The folks working on the line really cared about what they were doing. Compared to the Star Wars figures from the same era, the attention to detail is just that little notch bigger. I once read George Lucas said the reason he made “Raiders of the Lost […]

German on Motorcycle
1989 brought us “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.” With this film, Indy met up with his dad and faced off in a race to find the Holy Grail before the German Army. Sadly, kids of that era never new the joy owning action figures from the film. Hasbro, however, made up for that in […]

There are a variety of baddies facing off with Indiana Jones in “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” However, most of them didn’t seem truly evil. Belloq was delusional. Dietrich was just a cog in the German army. However, the Gestapo agent named Toht was a charachter that seethed villany on the screen. For a character […]

Ceremonial Belloq
If Indiana Jones had one totally memorable nemesis, it would be Rene Belloq. The guy takes the fertility idol from Indy, almost gets to the Ark before Indy, tries to schmooze his girl, and then takes the Ark from him. Twice. That adds up to significant foe. However, he’s not much of an action star. In the vintage Kenner […]

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Indiana Jones
It’s sad, but true. With the DVD release, I finally got to see “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” It’s not that I didn’t want to see it in a theater, we just had a busy summer. Overall, I didn’t think it was a bad film. Maybe two places that I thought it could have been […]

Vintage Belloq
“Raiders of the Lost Ark” is one of my all time favorite films. It really captured my imagination when it came out originally. Not surprisingly, I have a few of the figures that came out around the time of the movie . Belloq was Indy’s nemesis, so I thought he’d be a good candidate for […]

Desert Ark Crate
This is what started all the crate building madness for me. Not that it’s the first one I made, just the firstone I wanted to make. Probably the most important crate in “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” This crate suffers through three different phases. First, Indy hauls the crate up out of the Well of Souls in a plain […]
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