Adventure Heroes Sallah & Mummy
![]() My involvement, with three other audience members, was to run around in a certain area yelling or pointing out dangers to Indy. To make this look a little better, they dressed us all as extras from the market place scene. Robe, turban and sash. Which brings me to this review. I have a bit of facial hair, and have had a full beard at various points of my life. So, when I saw this Adventure Heroes pack with Sallah, I had to get it. It’s about as close as I’ll get to having a figure made of me from the Disney show. Appearance:
These little guys are also the modern replacement for some of my favorite little kid toys. Weebles and Little People. Both have came back in the modern era, but in a cute sculpted way, that takes away from the simple look of the vintage items. But for today’s kids, I’m sure these look simple. These sets generally come as two I remember a number of creepy dead looking things in Raiders, but I don’t remember a mummy that looks like this guy. He actually reminds me of something from “The
The mummy has an orange snake wrapped around him. The snake reminds me of the worm from Popcap games “Bookworm” game. Kind of a cute little guy. Would have been nice if you could remove him, but he’s probably needed to give the mummy some structural integrity. The other thing about the mummy that I was a little disappointed in was his right foot. Either mine is bent or sculpted strange. He can stand fine on his left foot and and right heel. I would think he would stand better, though, with both feet solid on the ground.
Sallah does have his ubiquitous torch. It’s seems like every plastic version of Sallah has to have one. I would imagine when we finally get him in his fez outfit, he’ll come with a torch. It’s done here in translucent material, and in my opinion, looks better than most of the painted torches I’ve seen. Fun:
The Cobra shares a same basic anatomical look as the mummy’s snake. It’s nice they kept them looking similar. However, while the mummy’s snake looks cute and cuddly, the cobra with his fangs has a bit of an evil look to him. Or at least as evil as the Adventure Heroes get.
The thing that’s great about these guys is their durability. I know I wouldn’t mind little hands on this portion of my collection, where as my Vintage Indy collection would be off limits. Remember collectors, it’s always good to have something for little people to handle when they visit. Keeps their hands of your good stuff.
Category: Indiana Jones, Toy Reviews