Name That…Canteen

April 5, 2011 | By More

I had a canteen as a wee lad. I’m not sure why, but I had one.

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  1. yo go re says:

    SPOILER Those are... Steeler's binoculars? END

  2. Engineernerd says:

    Yo, you are close, but not quite.

  3. Errex says:

    SPOILER Vintage ARAH Duke binoculars. END

  4. Engineernerd says:

    That would be the item, Errex.

  5. Engineernerd says:

    Okay, I made a slight mistake. Yo, you are right, I just didn’t know that there were some versions of that figure with ’em.

  6. yo go re says:

    Woo! Hooray for reused pieces!