Tag: Iron Man 3

Nick Fury (Pop! Vinyl Bobble Head)
As you may know, I’m bald. I’m also a bit angry. So when I saw the Nick Fury Pop! Vinyl, I couldn’t pass him up. For a fairly small figure, he captures Fury’s attitude pretty well. The two tiny fists of fury are balled up making him look like he’s itching for a fight. All […]

Iron Patriot
This Iron Patriot was the figure I wanted the least back when Hasbro released the first half of the Iron Man Legends line, to the point that I’d wait until the second half of the wave was released before deciding if I could be bothered to complete the BAF.

Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Well, after I got the Mark 42 Iron Man action figure from the Iron Man Legends line, I knew I needed the Iron Patriot armor also seen in the Iron Man 3 movie.

Iron Man Mark 42
Well, avoiding the 4-inch Assemblers and the even cheaper single carded Iron Man figures was easier than I thought. These will eventually drop in price to a point where I may consider buying one or two just for archival purposes, but the one figure I could not let slip by is the 6-inch version of the latest Iron Man 3 armor.

War Machine (Iron Man 3 Assemblers)
I’d been avoiding Iron Man 3 figures pretty much since they came out. Since they seemed to be lacking most of what I’d liked about the Iron Man 2 line, they were a pretty easy pass. I had picked up something in passing, War Machine was only available in the “Assemblers” version, the larger interchangeable limbs […]
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