Tag: Mail Away
Quail Drone Mail Away
I’ve said it before, I use to love mail aways. I thought I’d take a look at a fairly rare one today that was only available for a limited time with a fairly limited vehicle, the Falcon Glider. Only a few of the initial packages for the Falcon Glider contained the offer for the Quail […]
Qui-Gon Jinn & Eopie
With all the up coming hype for Star Wars Episode 1 in 3D, I’m hoping we see some Qui Gon love. In the mean time, I guess I’ll tide myself over with this. From last year, this Qui Gon & Eopie was a mail away to fill a gap in some collectors collections. If my […]
Hooded Cobra Commander (Vintage) Non-Review
I think most collectors have had something in their collection they don’t have any more and would like back. Mine is the mail away Hooded Cobra Commander. So for this non-review, I’m going to tell you what I remember. The body of the figure was the same as the regular chrome faced one reviewed here. […]
Star Wars POTF2 Mail Away Poster
‘m sure it was one of those send in x number of proofs of purchase and we’ll send you a poster. I’ll bet I had more than enough at the time this was released to send for it.
Return of the Jedi Poster Offer
I’ve said it before I love mail away stuff. That said, it kind of surprised me the other day when this turned up in a box I was rumaging through. I’m sure I had the proofs of purchase for it. Two proof seems a lot for a fairly cheesey poster. Maybe even then I realized […]
Indiana Jones Crystal Skeleton
“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”(KOTCS) was released last year to less than enthusiastic reviews by both fans and critics. The plot revolved around crystal skulls, Mayan end of the world predictions, and aliens. There are several crystal skulls in the world that folks have varying degrees of thought on. The ones […]
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