Tag: Rancor Keeper

Malakili (Rancor Keeper)
Malakili is a character whose claim to fame comes from being heartbroken when Luke Skywalker kills the Rancor at Jabba’s Palace by squashing the creature with a spiked door.

Malakili (Rancor Keeper POTF2)
In the nineties, Hasbro decided that the time was right to bring Star Wars figures back to the world. In hindsight, that was probably a great decision. The original Star Wars generation had reached an age where they had disposable income and were feeling nostalgic for their childhood. At this point Power of the Force […]

Rancor Keeper (Kenner)
Ironically, Kenner’s Star Wars figures are what started my figure collection back when I was wee Nerd. However, I’ve never reviewed a vintage figure on the site. I’ve review other vintage stuff, but never a Kenner 3 3/4″ figure. To continue the Rancor Keeper theme, I decided he’d be the first. You all know him. […]
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