Tag: Rise of Cobra

TRU Attack on the Pit Headquarters GI Joe Battle Pack (Part 3)
Finally, part three of three of my review of this “Attack on the Pit” battle pack. And I have saved the best, or at least the more unique pieces for last. The first is the main piece of the set, the molepod. The set is built on the movie scene where Cobra uses molepods to […]

TRU Attack on the Pit Headquarters GI Joe Battle Pack (Part 2)
Last time I checked out the “Good Guys” of this set, Duke and Ripcord. Facing off against them are a NeoViper and Neo Viper Officer. And they are the subject of this weeks, GI Joe review. Probably one of the harder things for me to accept in GI Joe: Rise of Cobra were the Vipers. Not […]

TRU Attack on the Pit Headquarters GI Joe Battle Pack (Part 1)
Love it or hate it, “GI Joe: Rise of Cobra” brought a bunch of new figures to collectors. Because of the realistic nature of the film, most of the figures took on a more realistic look as well. The two Joe team members we live the film through are Duke and Ripcord. I’m sure they […]

Cover Girl (GI Joe)
Even though I got her on clearance, thought she was ugly in the package, I was impressed with her in the end.

Heavy Duty (Camo) GI Joe Rise of Cobra
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje is a fairly easy to recognize actor. In GI Joe: Rise of Cobra, he portrayed Heavy Duty, a heavy weapons specialist for the Joe team.

Storm Shadow (Arctic Assault)
Arctic Assault Storm Shadow was released in 2009 as part of wave 3 of Hasbro’s G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra toy line. Even though the name is somewhat misleading, Storm Shadow did appear in the movie dressed (or undressed) like this in the movie, while in the arctic Cobra base, so technically, so the Artic Assault moniker is correct.

Arctic Assault Snake Eyes
Since this is a movie inspired figure, the silent commando dispenses with the black ensemble he normally wears pretty much everywhere in comic books and cartoons, and instead comes attired with proper cold weather garments.

Kamakura (Rise of Cobra)
As part of the Not-Actually-Seen-In-The-Movie characters, Kamakura is constructed with a number of parts taken from the 25th Anniversary line as well as some of the newer molds used for the first batches of movie figures.

Heavy Duty (Reactive Impact Armor)
Heavy Duty another character from Collection 2 Wave 2 of the G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra toy line. In the movie Heavy Duty serves as the heavy weapons specialist for G.I. Joe Team Alpha. The actor who portrayed the character is Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, better known as Mr. Eko, from the Lost TV Series.

Shipwreck GI Joe Rise of Cobra
Shipwreck is one of the characters I was really surprised didn’t make the cut for GI Joe: Rise of Cobra. His snarky attitude made him a fan favorite in the animated and comic book versions of Joe. (Flash was the other one I was expecting to see in action in the film.) While the vintage […]

Rex “The Doctor” Lewis
Ever since Episode One of Star Wars came out, I’ve made an effort to avoid as many spoilers for a film as I can without going out of my way. I really wanted to like “GI Joe: Rise of Cobra” before I saw it. But I had my doubts. As such, I really didn’t get […]

Armored Panther w/Sgt. Thunderblast
Normally the amount of suspension of disbelief required for me to accept the existence of an attack helicopter the size of a compact car proves too much, but, What about tanks the size of compact cars?…

Snake Eyes (Paris Pursuit)
Snake Eyes (Paris Pursuit) is arguably among the coolest figures from the movie line, even though if it’s not the most pose-able of the bunch, and it succeeds in providing a refreshing new look for the character.
Errex Score: 95/100

Conrad “Duke” Hauser (Reactive Impact Armor)
After getting the previous version of Duke (the Desert Ambush version), I was not too interested on picking up this one too, but after seeing it in person, I decided to take the plunge and get it.

Storm Shadow (Paris Pursuit)
Hasbro released the Storm Shadow (Paris Pursuit) figure in 2009 as part of the second wave of figures from the G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra line, based on the appearance of the character in the motion picture of the same name.

Cobra Elite Viper
As of this writing, I haven’t watched “GI Joe: Rise of Cobra” yet. I will, I just haven’t had a chance yet. Overall, the movie line of GI Joe figures has grown on me. However, the nearest Wal-Mart reduced their prices on the standard figures to $6. That makes me like them a whole lot […]

Conrad “Duke” Hauser (Desert Ambush)
I’m really excited to introduce this guest review. Errex is a long time TVFT forum contributor with a pretty extensive collection. Kicking off what I hope will be a great series of reviews, Errex is showing off the Desert Ambush Duke from GI Joe: Rise of Cobra. Take it away: Right off the bat, I […]

GI Joe Pit Commando
If you have read any of my other GI Joe reviews, you would know I’m a sucker for accessories. Frequently, my selection revolves around how full a blister is rather that the exact Joe character. Stalker was a cool dude, but a single rifle on the card didn’t appeal to me. The Baroness figure from […]
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