Hawkeye (Movie Series)
Today I’ll be taking a look to the Hawkeye action figure released by Hasbro as part of the Avengers Movie Series exclusive to WalMart in both the USA and México.
Grapple Blast Black Widow
One of the characters I had been expecting for quite some time for Hasbro to make an action figure of was the one played by Scarlet Johansson in both the Iron Man 2 and The Avengers movies. I’m talking about Natalia Romanova, a.k.a Black Widow.
Marvel’s Hawkeye
I wasn’t really expecting to see more of Hasbro’s Avengers line locally. I mean, the things seem to sell at a steady, albeit slow pace, but in my experience the stores in my city rarely order anything after the first wave of movie-related figures up until Christmas. With that in mind, it was very surprising to find Marvel’s Hawkeye hanging there on a peg the last time I went grocery shopping.
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