Tag: The Phantom Menace

Gungan Warrior
Even though as a species, Gungans have not received the same amount of toy love as, say, Ewoks, I have always considered them a pretty cool alien race, Jar Jar notwithstanding.

Darth Maul
It’s been a while since I got a Darth Maul action figure, the last being the shirtless version from the Legacy Collection based on Expanded Universe material, which is fine, don’t get me wrong, but what I really wanted was a more canon update on the character. Lucky for me, with the 2012 release of Episode I in 3D format, we get the first ever Darth Maul figure made by Hasbro for the Star Wars Vintage Collection.

Naboo Royal Guard
One of the figures I was most curious about from Hasbro’s Star Wars Vintage Collection in 2012 was the Naboo Royal Guard (VC83), released just in time for the release of Episode I 3D.

Daultay Dofine
Daultay Dofine (VC82) was the captain of the Trade Federation vessel that received Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi in the opening scenes of The Phantom Menace. Given that he had more than a few dialogue lines and is mostly remembered because Darth Sidious referred to him as “stunted slime” when he dared whine in his (holographic) presence, I find it strange that it took this long for Hasbro to produce an action figure of him. This figure is part of the Vintage Collection wave released roughly at the time of the Episode I 3D premiere, which was a pretty smart move although I think the figure turned out to be good enough to sell even in a non-movie year.

Anakin Skywalker
One of the figures I was actually anticipating from the first wave of figures in the 2012 Star Wars Vintage Collection by Hasbro is this version of young Anakin Skywalker (VC80) in his padawan garb. I never got the chance to buy the figure released in 2000 that came with a hard plastic cloak, so getting an updated version to coincide with the 3d release of the film was a chance I would not miss.

Darth Sidious
I wasn’t really looking forward to another version of this character, since Hasbro pretty much got it perfect with the Legacy and the Evolutions offerings of a few years ago. In my mind, this figure released in 2012 to coincide with the Episode I 3D launch was going to be just another repack with only a few new accessories thrown in. Boy, was I wrong…

Battle Droid
If there ever was a character or from The Phantom Menace nobody really wanted another figure made of, it must be the lowly Trade Federation Battle Droid. I know that the first wave of 2012 was an assortment designed to appeal to the people who would go and watch the 3D release of the movie, but it still makes little sense to have included this figure in the mix

Ratts Tyerell & Pit Droid
Back when Episode I was released, a lot of praise was heaped upon the pod racing scenes in Tatooine but I wasn’t that much impressed, to be honest. The extended scenes included for the latest releases of the film in DVD and BR formats actually add to the rhythm of the whole sequence, but it kind of took about 13 years for them to tweak it.

Queen Amidala
Well, it’s another year, and once again, Hasbro treats us to another rendition of Padmé Amidala in the 2012 Star Wars Vintage Collection, right in time to promote the 3D launch of The Phantom Menace in 3D. This time it is Padmé as Queen Amidala (VC84), dressed in the black gown she wore after her plea to the

Ben Quadrinaros & Otoga-222
Many people may not realize this, but the creation of Jar Jar pretty much paved the way for a lot of characters with questionable designs which by virtue of having very little to do or say in the movie, were kind of accepted by the viewers with comparatively less criticism. Take, for instance, Ben Quadrinaros.
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