Yoda & Kybuck
![]() The short version of the story is Yoda and helped a sick Wookie Princess and received the neutered (yip!) kybuck as a gift of thanks. He then rode the kybuck on occasion into battle, notably in Grievous’s attack on Coruscant just prior to the events that open ROTS (i.e. Episode 3). Yoda:Yoda in pants and a robe ready to go into battle. That’s I have to say I find the pants a bit disturbing, only because I’m not use to seeing Yoda in them. But, if you’re going to be a cowboy, then I guess they make sense. Other than that, he’s not a too terrible for I also like the head sculpt of this Yoda. Pissed off Yoda’s got some little feet poking out from beneath those The brown robe he comes with has some high points though. There are holes on each side to allow his robe to poke through on each side. I have to say that is one of my favorite things about the figure. There is another small opening on the back of the robe to allow a small holster to peek through for his lightsaber hilt. I thought that was cool, since he comes with both lit and unlit sabers. My only issue with the robe is the seam on the top. It’s a bit bulky and covers part of his face. Ball jointed shoulders and cut wrists and feet make this one of the more articulated Yoda’s. The ball jointed head would Kybuck:I knew the tail on the Kybuck was a seperate piece from the blister. What I didn’t know was one leg was loose as well. They pop on pretty easily, and seem fairly well attached. One of my concerns with EU pieces is they’re not always as detailed as the movie items. In this case it’s a creature that appears only in that cartoony Clone Wars style. The Kybuck here though put my fears to rest. It’s got plenty of little details to make me happy. Add in articulated limbs, tail and head, and you’ve got a pretty neat accessory. The head is ball jointed, but somewhat limited in its’ functionality by the sculpt. He can be a bit tricky to get to stand on his own. It’s a center of gravity thing. One slick thing that I didn’t expect, the Kybuck has foot peg holes. So if you got an extra stand laying around, you can probably pose him in more extreme poses. There’s a foot peg on the middle of saddle for Yoda as well as some sort of handle to hang on to. I’ve got a couple dislikes about the Kybuck. They’re fairly small, but notable. One, for Yoda to look so fierce, the Kybuck looks too peaceful. He looks ready to go graze in a meadow. Two, Yoda appears to only ride standing up. I couldn’t find a convincing riding position for him. (Like I said, I haven’t seen the CW Episodes, so maybe he does ride standing.) (See the bottom picture.) I hadn’t mentioned it, but they come with the a coin as well. I thought the “Legacy” Era symbol choice for the back was a bit odd. I would have expected something specific to the Jedi or Clone Wars. Overall:Like I said, I’m not a huge EU Fan. However, I have to say with all of the accessories for Yoda, as |
Category: Star Wars, Toy Reviews
Yes, this is a great value deal. The Yoda is actually quite nice to have, and the inclusion with the kybuck is certainly what I’d call going above and beyond.
The scene from the Tartakovsky where Yoda rides this beats is actually about 3 seconds long, in a establishing shot just at the begining of the first episode. It does nothing beyond showing Yoda charging into battle across a plain whiele the narrator spurts something or other about how the clone Wars is being fought (and yes, Yoda is standing on the back of the creature).
Without his robe, Yoda looks like a Kung-Fu Master…which is appropriate, come to think of it.
Yeah., I kind of like that Yoda. It would have been cool to see more of him like that.