International Bonus Battle Droids

August 19, 2009 | By More



With all the mentions lately of Episode 1,  I thought it would be fun to dust this guy off. Mrs. Nerd had picked this card up at a local comic shop for me. It’s a European E1 realease Destroyer Droid with a bonus Battle Droid. Her thought was I could use it as an army builder. However, it’s a unique enough find that I left it carded. I have a Battle Droid with Bonus Battle Droid somewhere as well.

The multi lingual packaging requirements take up a pretty good chunk of the back of this card. Also, there’s Jedi Points if you remember those.

To be honest, I’d have been happy if the US releases had been with battle droids instead of Comtech chips. If those things were the same cost as a figure, I could have used the figures more than some chip that sounded like a movie line through a tin can phone. I think most folks would have been happy to get an extra army builder as an accessory.

But, it was not to be. Later releases, I believe, swapped out the Battle Droids for Pit Droids. Either way droids are way cooler accessories than a sound chip display base.

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