These Aren’t the Droids Desktop Wallpaper
Alright, I can’t remember what caused me to want to make this. Sometimes I just get an idea and want to see it through.
I really overuse the “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for” line. Ask Mrs. Nerd and my co-workers.
Click the image for full size Wallpaper.
[singlepic id=119 w=500 h=330 mode=web20 float=center]
Category: Digital Toys
I see you used a wholly digital background for this image, Good work!
P.S. I sooooo want a Landspeeder. I hope Hasbro makes a new one soon.
The sky and ground are actually a picture. I can’t remember why I did that one for sure, it’s pretty unusual for me to do a background like that.
I’ll have to look in my back room and see if I have a Landspeeder. I noticed a TaunTaun, Jar Jar Cannon, and one of those little battle droid scout tanks in a box the other day. I think there was a a “Concept” speeder bike as well. I’m just not sure on the landspeeder.
I forgot to mention, I have a vintage one, that is in less than stellar shape. Probably the first SW vehicle I owned. Pure gold for a kid of the late 70’s.