TVFT’s Name That…Cup of Woe?

May 4, 2010 | By More

There’s nothing better than the perfect cup of coffee. But who’s cup is this? Archangel’s? Wally West’s? Wario’s?

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  1. Ian Welch says:

    SPOILER: Wallace & Gromit Curse of the Were-rabbit coffee mug. There were 2 of them made as accessories. Since there were 2 in the line and each was a different scale, it could be either of them.

  2. Ian Welch says:

    No prob! I’m also on AFB as Starman, that’s where I saw the thread and decided to check it out. Since I was browsing, I found one I knew that hadn’t been answered.

  3. Engineernerd says:

    You’re correct. It’s the larger one. I didn’t realize they made it in two scales.

  4. Engineernerd says:

    I also wanted to say thanks for dropping a comment Ian!

  5. Engineernerd says:

    I’ve left a few that way for just that reason. Thanks for filling in the gaps!