Name That…Missile Command Part 2

August 17, 2010 | By More

If I didn’t know where this one came from, I’d never be able to guess it.

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  1. Errex says:

    Nice one. Kenner TIE Bomber ?

  2. Engineernerd says:

    Great Guess. I was thinking somebody would pick that one.

  3. Errex says:

    Well, that is a tricky one, because the latest release had the bombs cast in translucent plastic with a bright orange core, instead of solid black.

  4. Engineernerd says:

    You are the right path, but this one is bigger than the one you are talking about.

  5. Errex says:

    SPOILER The bomb is from the ARC Fighter! :D END

  6. Engineernerd says:

    Bingo! We have a winner!