Name That…Who’s That Girl

August 5, 2010 | By More

This is not a Princess Leia figure.

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  1. Errex says:

    SPOILER Lt. Ilyia, from the Star Trek Motion Picture. END

  2. Ian Welch says:

    SPOILER Star Trek The Motion Picture Llia. END

  3. Engineernerd says:

    Darn it. Thought this one would be tougher.

  4. Errex says:

    Well it wasn’t a dead giveaway, in any case. 😉

    The thing about that line in particular is that the arms are the same in pretty much all of the SPOILER Starfleet

  5. Tomcat says:

    Ilia from Star Trek The Motion Picture from Mego

  6. Engineernerd says:

    It certainly is Tomcat!