SCCC Artist Spotlight: Robert Atkins

May 16, 2012 | By More

I had heard about Robert Atkins on the What’s on Joe Mind? Podcast. I knew he was a GI Joe artist. So I was very excited to hear he was coming to our local Summit City Comic Con here in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

I actually had a TVFT table, so I didn’t get as much time to walk around as I’ve had in previous years. But I did make an effort to go check out Robert’s table.


Seeing his art online or in comic books is one thing. The thing that grabbed my interest was the number of black and white in an 11×17 size. I have to say they are absolutely stunning pieces.

There were a number of multi character prints that were just beautiful. There were several of the Joe team and at least one Cobra that I saw. I knew I wanted one of these. Actually, I take that back. I wanted all of them.

However, to keep to my con budget, I decided to pick up one. It’s a good thing that More0_0Than was there to help me make a choice.

The print I chose was one with Lady Jaye, Dusty, Torpedo, Wild Bill and Beach Head. I just absolutely love it. The detail really pops in black and white.  I’ve already started looking with for frames since this will be on display somewhere near my Joe figures.

I also picked up his Snake Eyes Sketch Book. A number of the pieces in there were available as prints.  In addition, there are a number comic pages. The pages are in there raw art form with no text or color and look fantastic. You really great sense of the story the pages are telling, even without the text. If you are a fan of the Joe’s ninja, this book would be a great pickup.

I want to sum it up this way, if Robert is at a show near you and you are a GI Joe fan, go see him and buy his art. You won’t be disappointed.

You can find Robert on his page Robert Atkins Art or on Twitter at @RobertAtkinsArt

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  1. Tom says:

    You forgot to mention he was a heck of a nice guy too, I only talked to him for a couple of minutes but he was very gracious and signed my copy of G.I.Joe #3.

  2. Engineernerd says:

    I wish I had actually got a chance to talk to him for a bit, he was one busy guy!

  3. Errex says:

    That is great artist!. I don’t recall if he worked on Marvel’s G.I. Joe comic book, but the images on his gallery are stunning.