Professor X
Released as the 22th figure in Hasbro’s Marvel Universe Series 4, Professor X is a very interesting addition to the line for a couple of reasons.
First, this is fundamentally a G.I. Joe figure re-purposed with a new head to portray the founder of the X-Men. The body was used for a ComicCon exclusive a few years back, that of James McCullen Destro, released in a two pack and sporting the likeness of actor Christopher Eccleston, who played the role in the first G.I. Joe movie.
The body itself is nicely detailed and is generic enough as to continue to be of use for plains clothes characters in the future. The jacket torso is a removable rubber piece and under that is a rubber tie glued to the base of the neck. Since the vest piece adds some bulk to the figure, the neck post is slightly longer than usual, but Charles looks good with or without the jacket on.
The head sculpt is new, of course, and I must say that is a pretty good rendition of a Charles Xavier. The only traits that show a comic book influence are the highly arched eyebrows, but as a whole, the result is quite good.
Being basically a Joe, Professor X’s articulation sums up to:
• Pegged hinge shoulders.
• Pegged hinge elbows.
• Swivel wrists.
• Floating torso.
• Balljointed hips.
• Pegged hinge knees
• Pegged hinge ankles.
The only deviation from standard G.I. Joe articulation is that the knees are not double joints, but I like this style better. All of the joints work remarkably well, although the tilt on the torso is pretty much negated by the rubber vest that represents his jacket’s body.
In terms of paint, there is very little going on in this figure. About the only painted areas, other than the eyes and eyebrows, seem to be the shirt collar, the tie and the shirt cuffs. Overall the look is nicely subdued and appropriate for the character.
Charles Xavier comes with a big hoverchair painted in gold with a few accents in deep red for the seat backing and recessed panels on the outside, while the support half-sphere is simply painted in dull black. This accessory comes in two easily assembled parts and Profesor X fits in quite comfortably. Oh, and there’s also the “Collectible Comic Shot” insert. I guess it could be used to simulate Charles’ comic book collection or something.
At this point I must confess that I have never been a fan of the character in the comics. I kind of warmed up a bit towards the character after seeing the X-Men:First Class movie, but bottom line, this figure appealed to me because of it’s potential.
Professor X is just perfect as a generic guy in a suit, and his capability for using any other G.I. Joe accesory just shoots his playability to the roof. He can be a Hitman, a S:H.I.E.L.D. Agent, a mafioso, a CEO or simply one of the neighborhood people in need of rescue. The fact that he is also needed to complete the X-Men roster just doesn’t carry as much weight as those other options.
So, yes, from a MU collecting perspective, he’s pretty awesome because of the included accessory and his Joe heritage makes him also a pretty amazing toy.
Errex Score: 99/100
Category: Featured, Marvel, Toy Reviews
I could see a lot of people buying this figure for head swap customs. Tony Stark, comes to mind.
Great review, Errex!
I never gave this figure a second thought… until now!
Have you seen it somewhere? I’m not even sure there’s peg space for MU at some of the WM right now.
No I haven’t, mostly because I haven’t been looking, I will be now though!
i just found a professor x action figure 10 inch still in box attachments still in place dont no what to do with it would likew to sell if new what it was worth
When standing, he looks a lot like Lex Luthor.